Soaring Through The Sky

Minos quickly got to work on another solution, however he quickly realized he simply didn't have the knowledge necessary to solve this problem as ideally as he would like.

The only stroke he had on hand that controlled movement was one called Guide. The problem was that the Guide stroke only determined direction upon the talismans activation, losing effect immediately afterwards.

This essentially meant that Minos had to choose a direction to travel from the start, and would lose control of himself once he actually began levitating.

At the present, the best solution he could come up with was simply making multiple Levitation Talisman's, each with Guide strokes aiming in different directions. That way, he could control his direction to some extent in the air.

While dissatisfied with this realization, there was nothing he could do at the moment. If he had more time, he may have been able to create a better Guide stroke, but for now, he didn't have that luxury.

Minos looked up at the artificial sun of the secret realm, deciding it was about time to go. While he had no idea how long this test would last, he was still a distance from the light pillar, and there were unknown challenges along the way, so time couldn't be wasted.

Walking out the cave, he stuck a Levitation Talisman to his chest, allowing it to slowly raise him into the air. After reaching about 50 meters into the air, the talisman was about to deactivate, so Minos quickly pasted another one on.

This one however had its guide direction set forwards, so instead of continuing to rise into the sky, Minos began to slowly fly forwards.

Each Levitation Talisman could travel about a distance of 50 meters, and based on subtracting the distance Minos had traveled so far, he had about 6 more kilometers to go before he reached the light pillar.

Meaning Minos needed a whopping 120 Levitation Talisman to make the journey, which naturally wasn't possible.

Of course Minos realized this a long time ago, hence his plan was never to rely on the Levitation Talisman in the first place.

Instead, he focused his direction on the largest mountain nearby, using his talisman's to quickly reach its summit, before landing gently on the peak.

Minos looked outwards at the vast expanse before him, seeing the abundant life that filled the secret realm, accentuated even more by the light pillar at the core. He could even spot some cultivators running through the forest, all heading towards the same goal.

Minos appreciated the view for a moment longer, before pulling out another Levitation Talisman and slapping it on his chest.

Of course, this wasn't a conventional Levitation Talisman. Instead, the ability to levitate was greatly weakened, rather, Minos prioritized the Nux Gathering and Nux Cell strokes, allowing the talisman to last for much longer.

With this talisman he should be able to travel an entire kilometer in a single go, of course given the weakened effect of levitation, he would be falling the entire trip, hence why he needed a high vantage point to start.

Minos soon found a nice spot directly across from the light pillar. Activating the talisman, Minos bent his knees and jumped upwards.

With the weakened levitation effect, Minos managed to jump quite a bit higher than normally possible, reaching about 10 meters in the air before stopping.

At this point, he began leaning forward, pointing his legs towards the mountain wall, his body becoming horizontal to the ground.

With his entire body's strength, Minos released his legs backwards, like a tensed spring that had finally been released.

With a slight boom, Minos's body propelled forward, akin to a bullet fired from a gun. He started soaring through the air face first, his face being pulled back like silly putty.

The exhilaration was something Minos had never felt before. Rocketing through the air at tremendous speed, his heart racing at a thousand miles a minute.

Normally the Levitation Talisman should have let him travel a kilometer, but with the massive strength he had used as a boost, he soon realized that the light pillar was right ahead of him.