Nodding, Minos didn't ask anymore questions, just chatting with Siar casually for a bit before sending her off.
He knew why the Guild Master's didn't say anything, after all, what was down there wasn't anything simple.
Most higher ups were naturally aware of the Lukalu people, and anything related to them was considered confidential information.
The Aleph Empire was also a big pursuer of anything related to the Lukalu people, so unless these Guild Master's wanted to share, it was best to keep everything underwraps.
Minos didn't care either way, just packing up his goods before joining the rest of the group back by the excavation site.
He still wasn't exactly sure how they weren't meant to leave, but since the Guild Master's had already gathered everyone, they must have figured something out.
Standing with everyone else, Minos looked up at the Guild Masters, waiting patiently for them to speak.
After a while, Gidon finally took the lead, clearing his throat before walking to the front of the group and speaking.
"As everyone is likely to know by now, the excavation is done, as for what we found, that is to remain confidential for the time being."
"More importantly than that is that one of our scouts managed to find the realm exit, so we can finally leave this place."
"However as some of you may have already expected, this realm's value lies beyond just this excavation site, in fact the entire realm is a treasure trove."
"Those who are willing to stay will not only be paid contribution points every day, but will also be given 50% of the value of anything they turn in."
"So with that stated, those who want to stay will line up on the right, meanwhile, those who want to go, line up to the left."
Normally most people would have naturally chosen to leave, but with the offer given by Gidon, people's opinions quickly did a 180.
After all, while 50% may seem worse than just leaving and gaining 100% for themselves, one couldn't forget that this was a realm that had been untouched for who knows how many years.
The outside world had long since been explored innumerable times, the things of value either already fully exploited, or already under the control of someone else.
Meanwhile this place was untouched, meaning everything was up to the taking, it just depended on one's skill.
Even Minos was a little interested in such a deal, but considering his Rovo plan, which would net him thousands of times more profit, he quickly lost interest.
As Minos joined the left line, he quickly got a tap on his shoulder, turning around to reveal Siar smiling at him.
"You're leaving as well?" Minos asked.
"I'm not much of a fighter. Besides, if there's one thing alchemist's don't lack, it's money." Siar said with a laugh.
"Fair enough. Then I guess we'll see each other on the outside."
"We better. Remember to come visit me at the Alchemy Guild, I'll teach you how to formally make pills."
"Oh? Then I'll have to take you up on that offer." Minos said with a smile.
While he didn't doubt his own abilities, things would be even smoother with Siar to give him some advice.
"Alright, then it's time to move." Gidon said loudly, leading the left group towards the realm exit.
As the long line followed behind Gidon, they soon arrived at another building, but as they entered this one, they noticed a strange portal, about human-sized.
"One by one. Make sure to register all your information before heading out." Gidon proclaimed loudly.
Soon enough it was Minos's turn, and seeing that Minos wanted to leave, Gidon couldn't help but throw in a few words.
"Minos, you're leaving as well?"
"Yes Guild Master."
"That's a shame. This place is filled with opportunity, it would be a waste to lose out on that."
"Actually Guild Master, I also have an opportunity, in fact it's one you might also want to take part in."
Normally this wouldn't be the time nor place to bring up his plan, but Minos felt it was unlikely Gidon would leave the realm, so if he didn't say it now, he'd likely lose his chance for at least a few years to come.
"Oh? Come with me. You, you're in charge for now." Gidon said, pointing at someone random.
Before the person could even react, Gidon led Minos off to a secluded corner, quickly throwing down a few Silencing Talisman's before signaling him to speak.
"Go ahead."
Without even saying a word, Minos pulled a Rovo from his spatial ring, handing it to the confused Gidon.
"This is?"
"I call it a Rovo, it's a communication device."
"Communication device? Like a Signal Talisman?"
"Sort of, but far, far better."
"Really? Explain."
"No explanation required, just look at this." Minos said, pulling out another Rovo before giving Gidon's call.
Standing there curiously, Gidon suddenly felt the buzz in his hands, looking down with slight shock before flipping the Rovo over.
On the screen a number had appeared, two options below it, either accept in green, or decline in red.
Pressing accept, Gidon watched in shock as Minos's face appeared on the other side, his shock multiply as his voice traveled through the device.
"My heavens! What is this thing?" Gidon said with amazement, having never seen anything like this.
"To be honest, I obtained some Lukalu knowledge in the past, which I used to cobble together this device." Minos explained, though keeping his source hidden.
"Lukalu? No wonder, this really does feel like something the Lukalu would make." Gidon said, fumbling with the Rovo as he slowly learned how to use it.
"As you can see, compared to a Signal Talisman that can only send physical alerts, this can transfer both sound and image, allowing entire conversations to be maintained from miles away."
"And you want to know the best part? The price! We can easily mass-manufacture these things, quickly replacing the market."
"If we were to charge one Nux Stone a month, imagine the potential profit? Aleph City has a population of around 50 million, if only 10% of those bought in, we'd still earn 5 million Nux Stones a month!"
"Not to mention I plan on creating two plans, Basic and Premium. Basic will give you limited calls every month, whereas Premium will cost ten times as much, but will give you unlimited calls."
"I don't think I need to explain to you the potential of this." Minos said, finally finishing his short speech.
Even Gidon, for as much as he's seen and experienced, couldn't help but feel his blood rush slightly. As Guild Master, it went without saying the massive wealth that flowed through his hands, but that wasn't his money, rather it belonged to the guild itself.
Of course he still got a small percentage of that as his salary, but compared to the prospect of 5 million Nux Stones, that was nothing.
To put it into perspective, Gidon earned about 1000 Nux Stone a month, whereas he could earn about 10,000 to 30,000 if he was willing to spend the month creating talismans.
If Minos's 5 million Nux Stone estimate was right, then even if Gidon only got 1% of that profit, it would still amount to 50,000 Nux Stone, and that was passive income!
He'd be earning five times as much as when he worked his behind off making talismans, and it was without lifting a finger!
"What do I need to do?" Gidon asked, his position clear.
"Nothing. I just need your support. Give me that and I'll give you 1% of any profit from here on."
It's not that Minos didn't want to offer Gidon a bigger cut, but he realized that such a massive business would likely have to pass through many hands before it could run smoothly, so if he gave too much now, he'd be left with nothing to offer in the future.
"1% Huh? And I don't have to do anything other than supporting you? Good! It's a deal!" Gidon said, shaking Minos's hand fiercely.
"Good, then if you trust the other Guild Masters, offer them the same deal. This business is destined to be massive, so we need to build up our defenses before going public."
"I understand. Then I'll go have a chat with them. In the meantime, you certainly have a lot of work left to do on the outside, so go ahead." Gidon said excitedly, wanting to get this machine running as soon as possible.
Nodding, Minos handed Gidon two Rovo's to show off to the other Guild Master's before giving him a goodbye and rejoining the line.