Leaving The Realm

Cutting back to the front, no one dared say a word, so without any problems, Minos entered the portal and appeared back on the outside.

After spending a second to focus his blurry vision, he noticed that Siar had been waiting for him on the side.

"Welcome back to the real world." She said with a giggle.

Smiling, Minos walked up beside her, the two heading towards the massive flying ship that had already been prepared.

Looking around for a bit, Minos wanted to find Jebron, but he couldn't find anyone, meaning Jebron likely stayed behind, which made sense.

Walking on board the large ship, Minos and Siar chatted as it slowly took off, Minos giving the realm portal one final glance before turning his attention back to Siar.

Meanwhile, back inside the realm, Gidon had rejoined the other Guild Master's, quickly explaining Minos's idea to them.

Gidon trusted them not to do anything stupid, so he didn't hold back, just telling all of them at once.

Not to mention, the Empire wasn't just one body that worked in unison, but rather a large machine that had dozens of different components.

The Guild's could be considered a camp of their own, generally neutral, but doing anything to maintain their interests.

Because of this they tended to operate in one mind, working together to fight off any outside force.

Knowing this, Gidon silently revealed the information to them, causing them to all look towards each other in shock.

"Is what you said true? Is this device really capable of all that?" Shenda, the leader of the Formation Guild asked as she looked at the small Rovo prototype Gidon had given to her.

"Absolutely." Gidon replied confidently.

"Amazing, and you say we'll gain 1% of all future profits and we just need to support this Minos boy?" Teeton asked.

"That's the deal."

"Gidon, as much as this interests me, it sounds far from simple. What's the plan and the future? I'd like to know more before I'm willing to join this project." Another Guild Master said, having a more cautious nature.

"What's there to think about? All you have to do is support him and you get money, sounds like a simple choice to me." Teeton said.

"Reno is right, I'd like to know more before I put my name on this." Shenda interjected, not paying much attention to the straightforward Teeton.

"That's reasonable, and Minos had already predicted you'd all respond in such a way, so he told me to tell you that a month from now he'd like to meet up on the outside where he'll answer any questions you may have."

"A month? Should be enough time to stabilize this realm." Shenda said after some thought.

"That's fine with me." Reno added.

With Shenda and Reno agreeing, the others quickly followed their tune, Teeton being the only one who felt such a thing was unnecessary.

"Great, then it's agreed." Gidon said with a smile.

Back outside the realm, the flying ship had just arrived back at Aleph City, Minos and Siar dismounting together.

"So what's your plan now?" Siar asked.

"Same as usual, learn and cultivate." Minos replied.

"Sounds fun." Siar said with a laugh.

"What could be funner?" Minos smirked.

"Before that though, how about the two of us get lunch, on me." Siar said.

"Of course it's on you, it's the least you could do." Minos said, causing Siar to laugh again.

With a happy mood, the two arrived at a fancy restaurant that had a long line leading out the front.

Without a word, Siar forcefully pulled Minos to the front, the waiter immediately rushing up to her the moment he saw her.

"Madam Siar! Please excuse the line, I had no idea you were coming today."

"It's fine, just prepare my room as usual."

"Of course!" The waiter said, before quickly rushing off.

"You're quite popular, aren't you?" Minos asked, as the two walked upstairs to the private rooms.

"I wouldn't say popular, rather powerful." Siar replied with a smile.

Like that, the two arrived at a large immaculate room, appetizers already prepared on the tables before they even arrived.

"Order whatever you want, and don't be shy, if I've got anything in abundance, it's money." Siar proclaimed as the waiter handed him the menu.

"Don't mind if I do." Minos said, ordering a dozen things without any shame at all.

He knew just how rich a Fifth-Moon Alchemist was, and as expensive a meal as this was, it wouldn't even put a dent in Siar.

Not to mention she came from a powerful family, which made money even less of a concern.

Since he knew she was serious when she said those words, he didn't hold back, planning to eat to his satisfaction.

Siar couldn't help but smile as Minos ordered so many things, not at all minding the high price, just happy that he didn't see her as a stranger.

With the food arriving, the two enjoyed a feast, Minos eating 90% of the food, before they finally got back to talking.

"So, would you like to keep learning alchemy?" Siar suddenly asked.

"Of course, but you know my circumstances. I don't want to reveal my talent if possible." Minos explained.

"I know, that's why I'll teach you." Siar suddenly said, somewhat shocking Minos.

"You'll teach me? Do you have the time?"

"I'll find it, besides you saved my life, no amount of repayment will ever be enough." Siar said genuinely.

"Then I'll thank you in advance." Minos answered, having no plans of rejecting such a good deal.

"Good, then tomorrow morning, meet me here. It's a private house I bought for the purpose of research and training." Siar said.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you." Siar said, waving towards Minos as he exited the room.

Back home, Minos didn't go straight to bed, rather he prepared a large notebook before he started writing down his future strategy for the Rovo Company.

Since he told Gidon he'd be ready in a month, then he'd be ready, and since he'd now spend his mornings studying with Siar, this was the only time he had left.

Fortunately, he didn't really need much sleep at his current realm, so it was no burden to stay up for almost 24 hours a day.

Like that, he spent the rest of the night filling up this large notebook with all his thoughts about the company's future, from potential profit margins, to possible markets, even including future adaptations that he could further add to the Rovo.

Feeling motivated, his thoughts flowed endlessly, the thick notebook soon being filled to the brim, forcing Minos to bring out a fresh one.

Eventually he reached the point where just writing by himself didn't feel like enough, so he quickly activated his puppets, having each of them writing independently.

After filling out a dozen notebooks worth of ideas and plans, Minos went through them again, planning to condense all this information into a single notebook's worth of the most important points.

By the time the sun once again poked out of the horizon, Minos was finally done, looking at his small book that had been reduced from thousands of pages to only a hundred.

Going through it one more time and confirming that he had gotten everything down, Minos tucked it away into his drawer before getting up and stretching.

After a quick shower, he headed to the location Siar had told him about, soon arriving at a large mansion in a secluded corner.

This entire neighborhood felt dead, located in a far off point in Aleph City, far away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the city.

The streets were completely empty, which Minos wasn't used to considering his own streets were usually filled with children playing.

However, considering that alchemy required absolute silence, it made sense why Siar would choose this location.

Walking up to the large mansion, Minos knocked heavily on the door three times before waiting patiently, his eyes scanning around the rest of the neighborhood as he waited for Siar to answer.