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While he and his men were getting underway on exploring Minos's depth, other people were also quite active.

While Minos's business hurt a few people, more people were interested in getting a slice of this cake while there was still something left to eat.

The elites of Aleph City weren't stupid, and they could smell the Rovo's massive potential from a mile away, and when it came to elites, who was more elite than the Royal Family?

"What a nifty little device, and it's really capable of all that you said it is?" A majestic looking man said, his young appearance betrayed by his overpowering aura that had clearly been nurtured for many decades.

"I would never deceive you, your Majesty!" The eunuch said with awe and respect.

"Hahaha, of course not. It's not you who I doubt, simply the person who came up with this thing, after all, what's stopping them from deceiving me?"

"Rest assured your Majesty, we've already tested the device extensively, and we can guarantee that it does exactly as it promises."

"Good, I trust you and your men to do things competently. Then tell me, what shall we do now?" The Emperor asked as his piercing eyes glared down at the eunuch.

"It's only natural that as the Emperor of this vast empire, you get the biggest slice of the cake, after all, without your city and your subjects, this Rovo would never be capable of selling at all!"

"Good point." The Emperor said with a big smile, clearly satisfied with the eunuch's flattery.

"In that case, who shall we send off to negotiate?" The Emperor asked once more.

"I wouldn't dare make any suggestions, your Majesty, but if I were to say a name, it would be the Eighth Prince."

"Little eight, huh? To think he got to you." The Emperor said, causing the eunuch to nearly collapse in fear.

"Forgive me your Majesty, I've overstepped, please punish me as you see fit."

"Relax, since the little eight was capable of persuading you, that's his own ability, and he should be rewarded, not punished."

"But while he has a good strategic mind, I'm afraid he's too conniving for a role like this… I need someone more straightforward, someone who isn't afraid of using the Royal name in their favor."

"Hmm, how about Lilia?" The Emperor suggested.

"Lilia? But your Majesty, as a female, don't you think that's a little inappropriate…" The eunuch said.

"I may have thought that in the past, but ever since she gave me my little miracle, I've had a change of heart."

"Since little Minos is destined to be the next emperor, shouldn't his mother also have some influence?"

"While I'm no businessman, even I can tell this so-called Rovo has the potential to become one of our empire's biggest lifelines, so if I give Lilia control over things earlier, little Minos's position would be even more stable." The Emperor said.

"Would anyone ever dare go against your decrees, your Majesty?" The eunuch said with shock.

"While I appreciate the loyalty, there's no need to act a fool. As long as I'm here, my words are absolute, but no one can know the future, so the stronger I make little Minos's position now, the more assured I can feel."

"In that case, I'll go tell the good news to Miss Lilia." The eunuch said with a bow before running off.

Watching the eunuch run off, Loyfin, the Emperor, got back to thinking, his mind filled with endless thoughts about his empire's future.

"Miss Lilia, I've got good news for you from your father." The eunuch said, while knocking gently on her door.

"My father? Then come in." A beautiful voice said from the otherside.

Gently opening the door, the eunuch was instantly assaulted by the strong smell of flowers and perfume, causing his eyes to water slightly.

This was the first time he had ever entered the princess's room, so seeing the walls covered in paintings of an enigmatic man that looked similar to little Minos filled him with a strange feeling.

"Do you like my paintings?" Lilia asked, still focused on finishing her current piece.

"Oh, yes, of course, they're amazing, but if you don't mind me asking, who exactly is this man?" The eunuch asked curiously, still looking at one of the portraits.

"That's my soulmate, my husband, the father of my child, my muse, my inspiration, my guide, my-"

Hearing the princess go on and on, the eunuch couldn't help but feel a slight chill creep down his spine, knowing instinctively that Lilia's obsession with this man was clearly unhealthy.

"He sounds wonderful." He said with a gulp, wanting to quickly get to the subject at hand so as to escape this weird place as soon as possible.

"Oh, he's much more than wonderful, but as amazing as he is, he has one glaring flaw…" Lilia said, her voice suddenly becoming a little cold, causing the eunuch to start cowering.

Despite not wanting to ask, he knew he had to or else he may be in even more trouble, so after calming his nerves, he finally found the courage.

"And what is that…"

"He refuses to love me…" Lilia said, the brush in her hand suddenly snapping as she clenched onto it too tightly.

"He must be a madman to refuse your love, Princess." The eunuch said with a stuttering voice, hoping his flattery would help calm her down.

"Madman? No, he's the most sane person I've ever met, which is to say, maybe I'm the crazy one?"

"N-n-no! Of course not!" The eunuch quickly announced with flaring hands.

"It's okay, I've already accepted my insanity, and since I can't have him with reason, I'll take him with force." Lilia said, the coldness of the room slowly dissipating.

"Ahum, well, whatever you decide is best, your Highness. As for why I've come here, it's something big." The eunuch said, trying to change the topic.

"Ah yes, you're here on business, my mistake, go ahead and say what you need to." Lilia replied.

"First of all, have you heard of the Rovo your Highness?" The eunuch asked.

"Rovo? What is that?"

"Well, long story short…" The eunuch said before he started describing what exactly the Rovo was.

"Interesting, to think this device has so much potential that even my father is interested." Lilia said, finally turning around from her painting.

As her face was finally revealed, the eunuch couldn't help but swallow hard, feeling deeply enamored even though he no longer had those 'parts.'

This was the princess's beauty, so transcendent that it was said even eunuchs were charmed by her appearance.

This was part of the reason why Lilia rarely left her room, having grown to despise the way people looked at her.

As she thought of this, she couldn't help but remember Minos, and the purity in which he faced her, like he was just talking to another person, not a princess nor a beauty.

Thinking of him, her cheeks couldn't help but flush as she felt a warmth travel up her body, her appearance becoming even more seductive, so much so that the eunuch nearly collapsed.

After quickly shutting his eyes to escape the sight, the eunuch began thinking of the most repulsive things he could to dispel his perverted thoughts.

"As interesting as this Rovo thing is, what does it have to do with me?" Lilia asked, after clearing her thoughts slightly.

"Ahem, that's what I was getting to, your Highness. The Emperor wants you to be in charge of dealing with the creator of the Rovo, and he even said you'll get 20% of whatever it is you manage to get from him." The eunuch explained.

"20% huh? Very generous, not like my father, but I suppose after my sweet little Minos was born, it was to be expected." Lilia said with a smile, remembering her son who looked exactly like his father.

"Speaking of little Minos, where is he?" Lilia asked, having not seen her little boy in a while.

"He's having his lessons in the Royal Academy as per usual, your Highness."

"And his grades?"

"Top of the class, as they always are."

"I expect nothing less of my little genius, especially considering he's inherited his father's genius." Lilia said with a happy giggle, her son being the only thing keeping her grounded since she lost Minos.

"When are his classes over?" Lilia suddenly asked.

"Should be soon, your Highness."

"Good, then I'll go pick him up."

"And about his Majesty's task?" The eunuch asked.

"Can't I say hello to my son first?"