
"Of course, your Highness." The eunuch said, quickly exciting the room so as to allow Lilia to get ready.

After calling in a few maids to help her get dressed, she exited the room, walking down the long hallways with a few female guards following along behind her.

Exiting the palace, Lilia got on her royal carriage before enjoying the slow and scenic ride over to the Royal Academy.

As people saw the royal carriage travel down the roads, they quickly cleared out of the way, whispering to each other as they wondered which royalty it was traveling this time.

After a short trip, the carriage finally arrived at the grand academy, a few students pointing to it as they whispered to themselves in interest.

Like the name implied, the Royal Academy was the most prestigious academy in Aleph City, and only the elite of the elites could attend, but even then, seeing actual royalty was always interesting.

Of course there were a few princes and princesses attending the academy at the moment, but most students seldom interacted with them.

As Lilia dismounted the carriage with her veil covering her face, people became even more interested, wondering who exactly it was trying to hide their appearance.

Ignoring their eyes, Lilia and her guards made their way into the building, walking along the long hallways until they finally arrived at little Minos's class.

"So tell me class, in what year was the Aleph Empire finally established?" The professor asked in a loud voice that reached beyond the class and into the halls.

"Professor, your question has two angles. In one case, if you were to count when the Aleph Family first established settlements on the Alephora Continent, then 2 would be the correct year"

"On the other hand, however, the royal proclamation of divine inheritance was only made in 329, which others consider the true beginnings of the Aleph Empire." A young boy explained with a raised hand.

"Very well put, Minos, and I'd accept both as reasonable answers, so well done." The professor said with a big smile, extremely proud of this incredibly astute student of his.

"Thank you, professor." Little Minos said with a bow, before sitting back down, his peers all looking towards his young face with admiration and envy.

However, little Minos didn't seem at all concerned about their eyes, just focused on his textbook as he got right back into studying for the remainder of the class.

"Alright class, that's it for today, and don't forget your assignment is due for next week." The professor spoke, finally ending the class.

Most students let out a sigh of relief, happy to finally get out of this boring place, but little Minos didn't seem excited at all, clearly not one who disliked learning.

"Hey Minos, me and my friends are planning on relaxing on my boat after class, there will be girls, drinks, and all sorts of games. Would you like to join?" One man asked enthusiastically to Minos, who was busy packing his things away.

"Sorry, but I've already got plans." Little Minos said with a half smile, dismissing the boy without much thought.

"Well, in case you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." The boy said with a smile, though what he was thinking inside his head was unknown.

Nodding, Minos got back to packing, dismissing the invites of a few more people before finally leaving the classroom.

As he entered the hallways, he immediately noticed his mother, despite the veil that masked her appearance.

"My little baby, how was class?" Lilia asked, immediately embracing her little boy in a tight hug.

"Not very challenging… I'd like to move up another grade, mother." Little Minos asked.

"But you've already moved up five grades these past few years…" Lilia replied, worried that her son was moving too fast.

"I can handle it." Little Minos said firmly, causing his mother to rethink.

"Hmm… Let me think about it, but for now, tell me how your day was." Lilia said, changing the conversation.

"Same as usual, a few people tried sucking up to me, but I ignored them like I always do." Little Minos explained as he and his mother made their way back to her carriage.

As the two were talking, the topic finally came to the Rovo, which to Lilia's slight surprise, little Minos had already heard about.

"You've already heard about them?"

"Of course, everyone in class is talking about them, a few have even already bought one for themselves."

"Interesting, it's potential is even greater than I expected."

"Since you brought it up, mother, I presume our family wants to get in on it as well?" Little Minos asked, smart enough to immediately know where this conversation was going.

"Smart little man, but more than that, your grandfather has put me in charge of making the deal." Lilia explained.

"Really? Mother, let me do it, please!" Little Minos asked excitedly, the first time he was excited for something in a long time.

"I don't doubt your intelligence, sweety, but you're just too young…" Lilia explained, trying not to hurt her son's feelings.

"Mother, I've already read hundreds of textbooks on business management, I'm even more experienced in this regard then you are! Besides, hasn't grandfather already made me the crown prince? If I can prove my capability now, my position will be even more solid."


"Mother, please, I know I may look young, but you know better than anyone that my mind is much older then I am, so please give me this chance." Little Minos begged, before using the one trick that always worked.

"And didn't you always say that my dad was already roaming the world at my age, making his own way? Do you think I'm any less capable than my father?"

Having dealt with his mother for so long, little Minos knew his father was a critical spot, and whenever it came to him, she would always bend, and just like usual, he was right.

"Of course you're no less than your father, you're the spitting image of him! Fine, I'll let you go speak on my behalf, but you have to take the elite guards with you." Lilia said, finally giving in.

"Thank you mother, I won't let you down!" Little Minos said joyously, happy to finally have a chance to leave his restrained schedule.

He had long since wanted to explore the city, but his entire life had been confined between the academy and his palace, splitting his time between studying and cultivating.

Now that he finally had a chance to flex his creative muscles and do real work, he was naturally happy, immediately shouting to the coachman to pick up the speed back home.

Back at the flagship Rovo store, Minos was dealing with the clients with his best effort, having hired a few more employees the previous night to help him with the sudden rush.

However, even with the addition of a few more helping hands, the store was still filled to the brim with excited customers, forcing Minos to come out from behind his desk and deal with some people.

With every completed order, Minos would record the details into his Compo, watching as the sale numbers grew with emotional eyes.

These numbers were the reflection of years of hard work and study, finally proving to Minos definitely that all his hard work was worthwhile.

As he was appreciating the growing number, the sudden sound of a loud bugle going off caught his attention, forcing his eyes back off the Compo.

Running up to the front of the store, Minos looked out of the window, a bit surprised to see a luxurious carriage stopped in front of the store, a few fully armored guards standing alongside it.

"The Crown Prince has come to inspect the store, all customers, please make way!" The head guard pronounced loudly, causing everyone to quickly empty out of the store in both fear and respect.

Even the most arrogant among them weren't willing to start beef with the Crown Prince over something so frivolous, so after only a few seconds, the store was empty except for Minos and his employees.

Looking at the carriage with piercing eyes, Minos slowly made his way to the back of the store, ready to escape through the secret tunnel he had prepared for such a scenario.

On the off chance that it was Lilia in that carriage, he planned on disappearing before she had a chance to see him, having even gone so far as to plant the energy of a few Forbidden Thoughts in his employee's heads, ready to cut off all information about his appearance in a moment's notice.

However, as he waited in anticipation, Lilia never came, instead a small foot stepped off from beyond the carriage, slowly revealing an appearance that completely shocked him, despite already expecting it.

There, stepping off the carriage, was the split image of himself from a decade or two ago, as if he was looking into a mirror that reflected his past.

Despite knowing that escaping was the smartest move in this scenario, Minos couldn't move, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that that boy was his son.

Before he had a chance to clear his thoughts, the door already swung open, little Minos entering the store and freezing in exactly the same way when he saw Minos.

Just like how it was like Minos looking into a mirror that reflected his past, for little Minos, it was like looking into a mirror that reflected his future, the two standing still as they just stared at each other.

"What's your name, son?" Minos asked, slightly choked up, his voice breaking the silence that had kept the entire store frozen in place.