The Price & Plan

"All the money you stole can't just be forgotten about, which is why all the properties, items, or anything else you purchased with this stolen wealth will be promptly confiscated."

"They will be liquidated, and the money returned to the royal treasury. As for whatever else you owe, that will come out of your paychecks until the debt is paid off."

"Thank you for your leniency, your Majesty!" Rehlin was the first to say, despite being the only innocent one here.

With his que, everyone quickly followed, taking turns one by one to praise Minos to the high heavens for his mercy.

While his punishment may be severe, the most important part was that their positions would still be maintained, meaning all that confiscated wealth could be re-earned in time.

Of course without any corruption, it would take much, much longer to earn, but it was better than being sent off to rot in prison, like Tium had.

Looking at everyone's ecstatic faces, Minos couldn't help but think for a moment, wondering what to do with these people in the future.

What he had said was half true and half false. While he was going to give them a second chance, it wouldn't last for long.

The second he had good replacements, these old villains would be promptly discarded, but that in itself would take time.

As for why he replaced Tium so quickly, that was just because he got lucky with Orion, who happened to have shadowed this uncle of his quite extensively, meaning he was already a perfect substitute.

"Words are empty to me. If you really want to prove your gratitude, show it through your work." Minos said, putting a stop to all the fake flattery.

"Very well then, let's move on to the important matters at hand."

"This kingdom has been stagnant for a long time. The top is filled with deep corruption and the bottom lacks any sort of mobility."

"The kingdom is isolated and the economy is suffering. Our GDP has only been lowering, having dropped a full 3% this last decade alone."

"And it's not because we lack the resources, in fact quite the opposite, the Thousand Forest Continent is among the wealthiest in terms of pure resources."

"We have a variety of ores, a nearly endless amount of high-quality lumber, and next to no competition."

"Yet despite all these advantages, we are only getting weaker, and I'm afraid it's unlikely we'll survive another thousand years at this rate."

"Tell me Helmund, as the Minister of Trades, what exactly have you been doing all these years?" Minos suddenly spoke, turning his attention to Helmund.

Suddenly being the focus of attention, Helmund's heart skipped a beat, his lips quivering as he tried to mutter out an answer.

"I-I've been doing my best, your Majesty. It's just our kingdom doesn't have many skilled hands, I can only work with what I have…" Helmund finally managed to explain.

Hearing his answer, Minos couldn't help but break out into laughter, but hearing his laughter didn't comfort anyone, instead they felt even more afraid.

"W-what's so funny, your Majesty?" Helmund asked in a whisper-like voice.

But still, Minos heard him loud and clear, so after wiping the tears from his eyes, he settled and looked towards Orion, Orion immediately understanding what he meant.

"Helmund, as the Minister of Trades, how could you possibly say your workers are limited? If they're limited, train more of them! Do you have any sense whatsoever?"

"B-but, that's highly unorthodox... Trades are only ever passed through master and apprentice, I can't upend that age old tradition."

"Well the age of orthodoxy is over. As for tradition, discard those that only harm us and retain those that still have true value." Minos said.

"B-but, your Majesty!"

"No buts. I've long since said this kingdom is in dire need of change, and if not now, then never."

"Gemer, have your men build a few training centers in the most populated areas around the kingdom. They don't have to be anything grand, just make them fast."

 "As for you Helmund, from now on all your finest tradesmen will be forced to teach at least ten hours a week at these new training centers."

"Those who refuse to do so will be fined heavily, and if they still fail to comply, then just strip them of their trade badges."

"You can't do that, your Majesty!" Helmund exclaimed.

To strip one of their trade badge was akin to disqualifying them from working in the field anymore, and Helmund couldn't afford to lose these men.

"I can do that and much more." Minos replied, his fierce glare forcing the words back down Helmund's throat.

"These training centers will be open to everyone over the age of 16, and those who enter will be allowed to pick their field of interest."

"Other than that, things will operate as normal. Those with the talent and skill will be promoted upwards through the chain, as for those without it, they will still be vital workers."

"And don't try to block these people's ascension. I will be watching every step of the way, and if I ever hear of talent being suppressed due to nepotism or anything else, I will strike you down, this much I promise."

"Rest assured your Majesty, I'll make sure everyone gets as they've earned!" Helmund promptly swore.

"But your Majesty, what about those below 16? While they may not make great workers due to their age, if we could train them young, they would certainly make for skilled tradesmen in the future." Helmund suddenly asked, even surprising Minos slightly.

"It seems your mind operates fast, good. But no, I have different plans for them."

"Plans?" Helmund asked again.

"That's right. Gemer, not only will you open training centers, but I also want you to open up academies."

"Academies? That's no problem your Majesty, but who for?"

"Who else? The lifeblood of our very kingdom, the children. Starting from 5, all children will now be required to enter these academies where they will learn a variety of subjects."

"At 12, they will be promoted to either martial or civil academies based on the talent they showcased in the previous seven years."

"Martial Academies will be focused on honing their cultivation talents, teaching them how to fight and supplying them the resources required to go further."

"As for Civil Academies, they will be focused on studies, creating more educated minds to enlighten and guide our kingdom." Minos explained.

Hearing his plans, everyone froze, not out of anything else but sheer shock, after all this plan would completely change the kingdom as they knew it.

It had always been the case that one was as their father was. If their father was an alchemist, they would be an alchemist, if their father was a blacksmith, they would be a blacksmith.

But if Minos really created this system, then that would forever change. No longer would one be cemented in their place, instead they'd have choices.

The training centers were already crazy enough to most of these ministers, but these academies were on a whole nother level of insanity.

"Your Majesty, don't you think that's a bit much?" Rehlin was the first to ask, speaking everyone else's mind for them.

Out of everyone here, he was actually most loyal to Minos, more specifically, loyal to the position Minos occupied.

Rehlin was a man of tradition, very conservative in nature, and while he didn't say much, he deeply disagreed with everything Minos said.

However the academies had crossed his bottom line, and he felt they would completely destroy the kingdom as he knew it, which he just couldn't accept.

"Why do you say so?" Minos asked, which surprised everyone slightly, since they were already used to him forcefully imposing his will.

As for why he did so with Rehlin, it's because he appreciated the man, so he was willing to give him a chance to explain himself.

"As the saying goes, a son is as a father was. Our kingdom has always operated by passing the torch onto our descendants!"

"This is true for every position, even yours, your Majesty. Not just anyone can become king, only a nine-tailed can, because this is the destiny of the ninetails!"

"Everyone has their fate. The nine-tailed are destined to rule, as for the Tiger and Lion Clans, they are destined to be military men, like me."

"The Leopard Clan is destined to be spies, assassins, and intelligence gatherers, as for the Cheetah Clan, they are destined to be scouts!"

"The heavens have ordained for all of us our positions, and in turn we have been blessed with the innate talent to occupy these roles."

"To just throw that all on its head… It's nothing but foolishness!"

"As mighty as you are, your Majesty, you can't go against heaven's ordinance!" Rehlin exclaimed, his breath heavy as he vented all his emotions in this short speech.

Hearing his words, the others nearly jumped up in applause, but seeing Minos's shadowy face, they immediately held back.

"Heaven's ordinance, you say?" Minos finally said after a long pause, his words soft, yet filled with a deep chill.

"In this kingdom, I am the heavens." He spoke, his lowered head raising, a vast ocean like aura immediately washing over everyone.