Asumi's New Task

Feeling vast overpowering aura, everyone immediately felt like they weren't looking at a man, but rather a titan that eclipsed the heavens themselves.

Even those with superior cultivations to Minos also couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed, which shouldn't be possible given their strength.

"When I was younger, I believed in destiny. It seemed an undeniable truth, after all, how could a lowborn compare to a prince? They may be the same species, but they existed in completely different worlds."

"But it's funny, the more 'destiny' hurts you, the less inclined you are to believe in it. People are very selfish in that way, don't you think?"

"When destiny chooses us to be the protagonists, the ones at the center of the stage, of course we are more than happy to believe."

"But if one day destiny decided to abandon you, would you still believe? Maybe some would, but most of us would spit on it, and why? Because we never believed."

"We only ever believed in ourselves, and if destiny shared that belief, then we would accept it with open arms."

"You people accept destiny because destiny accepts you. Everyone here was born with a golden spoon in their mouths, blessed from birth till old age."

"Which of you have known true suffering? Tell me?" Minos asked as he looked around, but all he received was silence.

"And that's exactly the problem. A kingdom run by a bunch of pampered elites, a group who have never tasted suffering, much less understood it."

"But I am the heavens now, and destiny is mine to dictate, and I've decided from now on that all people are destined, no matter how 'low' they were born."

"You can fight me all you want on this matter, but just know, it's the heavens you're up against."

Hearing his words, even those who disagreed with him couldn't help but feel a slight shiver up their spine, some even swayed by his words.

Of course how could centuries of belief be overturned by one speech? While everyone was affected to some level, most still didn't believe in the idea itself.

But Minos had nothing more to say on this front, and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed everyone.

Whether they agreed or not was of no relevance to him, as long as they did as he commanded, that was enough.

Watching as everyone funneled out of the room, Minos stayed still, his hands crossed underneath his chin as he thought.

"Are you alright, your Majesty?" Orion asked, the only one who hadn't yet left the room.

"What do you think of my ideas, Orion? And be honest." Minos suddenly asked.

"I think they are brilliant, more workers means more money, and you know exactly how I feel about money."

"But while I agree, the fact of the matter is that the Cat Kingdom is very conservative, and you'll definitely face a lot of backlash."

"That much I am aware of, though to be honest, I'm more concerned about the council of elders…" Minos replied.

"Council of elders? They could be a problem…"

Minos was still quite ignorant when it came to the council of elders. He had no idea how many members there were, or what kind of power they wielded.

Though based on the fact that a new king is chosen every 500 years, and each king has a lifespan of around 2,000 years, that means there should be around four members at the moment.

"How much do you know about them?" Minos asked.

"Not much to be honest. It's said only when a king is about to retire does the council reach out to them, but otherwise, they rarely show their faces."

"Let's hope they keep it that way…"

Dismissing Orion as well, Minos headed back to his office, though before he could even enter, he found someone waiting for him.

"Your Majesty, you're finally back." Asumi said with a bow.

"I've already said you can still call me Minos. No need for the honorifics." Minos said while helping her back up.

"I can't do that; it would give others the wrong idea." Asumi replied firmly.

"Fine, have it your way. Then tell me, have you done what I asked you too?"

"That's what I'm here for." She smiled, patting the thick book she had pressed up against her chest.

"Good, then come in." Minos welcomed.

Sitting across from one another, Asumi took the book down and gently placed it on the desk before flipping it open.

"Just like you asked me, I recorded all the information I know about the royal family. All the little details and secrets that you won't find anywhere else."

"Good." Minos praised, immediately beginning to read through the book.

Asumi had spent her entire life in the royal family, so she had quite the collection of information, which, like she said, couldn't be found anywhere else.

Minos didn't have the time to go scanning every single person, so this would save him a lot of time.

"Quite comprehensive. Tell me, what should I reward you with?" Minos smiled after finishing the book completely.

"I don't dare ask for one. It's my duty to do as your Majesty requests!" Asumi replied loyally.

"Enough of that. Since you've done good, you naturally deserve a reward." Minos said, his piercing eyes letting Asumi know he was serious.

"... Very well then. I want to work directly with you. I'd like a role as a minister, preferably something combat oriented."

"That would suit you most. Let me think here… I'd have given you the Ministry of War, but Rehlin is quite competent, and it would chill hearts if I just got rid of him for no reason."

"I wouldn't want to replace him either. He's a good leader and a loyal subject." Asumi echoed.

"In that case, I may have to open up a new ministry just for you. What do you think?"

"Don't you think that's a bit much? What would the others think?" Asumi asked, still thinking about Minos's reputation even now.

"Who cares what they think. I only care what you think."


"What's with this cowardly behavior? You were never like this in the past, instead you were confident in everything you did."

"If you're really afraid of what the others will think, then prove them wrong through your work. Turn your ministry into the most capable one, that way no one will dare say a word."

"You're right! I guess I'm really not suited for political life, it really numbs my edge." Asumi said, realizing she had changed quite a bit, and in such a short time.

Before no one really relied on her nor trusted her, so she felt a fire within her, pushing her to prove everyone wrong.

But now she was suddenly at the very top, and Minos, the king himself, was personally relying on her, putting her under a tremendous amount of pressure.

She was afraid of messing up, so she no longer dared to act with the same vigor she had in the past, knowing that she couldn't afford failure, not at this level.

Fortunately, Minos's words had woken her up just in time, otherwise if she got used to such a cycle, she would completely lose all her courage.

"I'm afraid spending my time on busywork is just going to make me worse. Instead I need to fight, sharpen my mind and my body." Asumi said.

"I like what I'm hearing. Since you already seem to have a plan, go ahead and tell me what exactly you want to do."

"To be honest, I'm still not too sure, but I want to fight! That much I'm confident about!" Asumi said, the fire returning to her eyes.

"Hahaha, good! In that case, it just so happens that I actually have the perfect job for you."


"That's right. I've long since thought of improving our trade routes, the only problem is the question of safety."

"We're surrounded on all sides by hostile tribes and clans, meaning it's incredibly hard to get anything in and out."

"Not to mention the roads themselves are narrow and poorly paved, making travel through them even more difficult than need be."

"Originally, I was going to leave that aside for the time being, but since you're so motivated, how about I have you clear the path instead?"

"I can do it!" Asumi swore with all her chest.

"Let me remind you one more time of the danger. You'll have to fight all sorts of Beast People with incredible strength and a variety of abilities. It won't be easy whatsoever, and you may even die. Are you still confident?"

"If any of those Beast People can kill me, then I deserve to die! But rest assured, I have no plans of death, at least not until I can see you conquer the world!"

"Oh? Well then you may die young." Minos said, causing Asumi to laugh.