Chapter 74 The nanny chapter thirty seven

  She loved him so much. There was no way she could possible deny it. And it felt like he was feeling something for her too.

  Maybe he wasn’t regretting what they’d done. Maybe he wanted things to change between them just like she did.

  She was just starting to get uncomfortable under his hot, sweaty heaviness when he raised his head from her neck. Her skin was wet from the moisture of his mouth.

  He looked down on her, and she was sure he was about to tell her something important.

  She waited for it, her heart as full as it had ever been.Instead of speaking he kissed her.

  She responded. She couldn’t help it, but then his phone rang from his nightstand.

  It was very late for a call, and he pulled away from her slightly and fumbled to get it.

  “What the—” He muttered when he looked at the screen.

  He was rolling off her now and sitting up. “Victoria? What the hell do you want?”