He shook off the coiled emotional tension as he walked downstairs to his office.
Victoria wanted him to fly to Lagos. She said that Michael Moses had been angry when she’d backed out of their spontaneous elopement—which she claimed she’donly done out of a broken heart—and Michael had “hurt” her. She’d been too inarticulate to explain what she meant by this, but she’d implied it was physical somehow. She said she couldn’t trust anyone to help, and she needed him there to help her through this.
Jason could hardly picture the short, pudgy wuss of a man hurting anyone physically, but he wasn’t prepared to just blow it off completely. If there was any truth at all in her claim, then an honorable man would at least check it out.
He wasn’t going to fly all the way to Lagos, though. The possibility of it being a calculated strategy was just too high, after Genevieve’s past behavior, and there was too much Jason needed to do here.