Chapter 164 Looking for Berny

Rogers after having thought about the whole issue for a very long time, he finally got to accept every single thing that was going on at that time. As he started going in search of Berny at that point.

Taking several measures in order to make sure that he gets to find Berny despite the fact that she was missing as well as all what was going on, he has never ever stopped bringing up different measures which could end up helping him at that moment.

There was nothing as frustrating as all what had just happened. He could never ever get to believe that, Berny was no longer there with him. The trauma of having known that was just too much as it could barely be explained by any single person that could be found there at that time.

Rogers could not even understand any thing as it seemed like, every single step that he takes in order to make sure that, he gets to find Berny, the measures do not even hold as it is always very difficult to know some thing at that moment.