Scar walked over to Berny in the room he had kept her in it. The room is one of those in the mansion where he lives in with his friends. It was not only spaceful, but had several things with it at once.
"What do you want from me?" Berny inquired as she glared At the man's handsome figures as he entered the room.
A gentle smile spread across Scar's face, that was kind of awkward but then, he just had to brush it aside because he had several things to talk about.
"Nothing much, Berny, just coming for us to have a small talk, I hope you do not mind," Scar said softly as he pushed the door closed, making sure it was locked.
Walking away from the door, he approached Berny who sat on the bed as she stared at him with wonder in her eyes.
"What talk? take me back to my home, I want to be with Rogers, and nothing can make me stop that anxiety that is in me," she said softly.