I SAT on the coach irritably. What was wrong with her? I already told her I will help her, but she was so stubborn and hardheaded. She insists on what she wants and leaves without a word.
Why she has no patience at all? She thinks that she can do it by herself, then will see.
Fine. Just do whatever she wanted. I am fed up with whatever she wanted to have. She didn’t want to listen. She’s so selfish.
Did she think I will find her? No way. She’s out of my league. My patience is over. I am only helping her because of that damn property, but because of anything, Nah. I will not help her by any means.
Why I am pissed off in the very first place when she wanted to leave my care? I should not care right.
I lean back in the cold soft foam of the coach. The place is empty. I can still hear her voice in each corner.
Ugh! This is terrible. I already drank the medicine but there is another pain again that it is hard to understand what it was.