I CHECKED the list of Angela’s friends in my files.
Why she doesn’t have lots of friends? Antisocial and loner?
Maybe that was the reason why she hates parties. I hate parties too. But I’m not totally antisocial when the situation is calling.
I found one name on the list. The name was Jenny Stones. She was living a few blocks away from where I was right now. I checked on her location just to make sure that I never got lost. I need to know where she was and if she’s safe.
If Angela were safe, then I will not worry anymore and I will not make any move to bring her back, but I can not promise that I will be kind to her. She has a lot of explanations I needed her to tell.
I arrived in the building where the apartment of Jenny Stones was. I parked my car and turned off the engine. I took my phone and tried calling Angela again. It rang but there is no answer still. What the hell is happening to that lady? She seems to hide from me.