“NEWS FLASH! It shocked everyone in public when a reporter got drunk and decided to end his life. The cops still investigating his reason for sui.cide when he wanted to flee the country because of some alleged cases. Meanwhile—” I closed the television. It’s early morning news from a local channel. “That as.shole! He should have fled before he had found.” I asked him to flee. I ask him to move to another country. I even wasted my money just to that as.shole who didn’t make his job perfect.
I should have done it on my own and found Angela, myself that asking some other man to do the job. Now, I am regretting why I should move and depend on it on him. Darn it!
I throw the beer in the can that I finished. I don’t have much food in this small apartment. I used to buy my meals outside and what I have since last night is this beer in a can.