Chapter 114 The pain of silence Part 2

I’M ON the way and we will meet halfway. My father said he will bring me to that house and we will use my car. My dad has no car that he can use for a while. Someone banned him from purchasing a car, rental, or making a loan. And it looks like Trevor Hunters were involved in this. it!

I arrived at the place that dad told me. I was about to close the engine when I heard a few knocks. I saw my father’s face. I unlocked the door, and he went inside next to the driver’s seat.

“What happened to your house?” he asked while putting his seatbelt on.

“It was just a small apartment and I don’t think I can still stay there. You should have sent me the address so I can go and check the house,” I said, trying to throw a whim.

“You should not be choosy,” he retorted. “It was a house of my close friend and he was staying there during summer.”

“Better. As long as no one can find the place, then I will like it.”