Chapter 2 CH 2: CEO\'s Personal Assistant

His prominent cheekbone and angular jaw carved down with a cleft chin is making Anne gulped her saliva. His light brown eyes were deep covered with long lashes. Handsome is an understatement. ‘He is so damn gorgeous’ Anne thought with her sapphire blue eyes still staring into his hypnotizing light coloured eyes.

His hair was Achilles-gold and fixed to perfection. Anne wished she could run her fingers to touch his hair that looks soft. As her lips parted to say something, she was shocked at herself as no words came out. ‘He must think I’m stupid. Damn it!’ she cursed in her head.

The cool wind blew swirling his masculine cologne that could make any woman swoon. Without her realising it, Anne blinked her eyes rapidly like as if she was under a love spell.

“What did you say?!” his deep and angry voice woke Anne up from her short daydream. She shook her head and took few steps backwards.. still unable to speak. This man looks totally angry who is now gritting his teeth looking down on Anne towering her small frame.

“What did you call me? I want you to repeat that!” his voice was getting louder while he took steps forward and spoke with his warm breath blowing on her face. For every step forward, Anne took two steps backward until her back was touching a lamp post.

The man purposely stepped on her rimmed glasses making it break into pieces crushing it with the sole of his shoes. ‘F**k.. why does that makes him look more sexy?’ Anne thought and bit her pouty heart shaped lips.

“ARE YOU DEAF?!” he roared at Anne making her trembled in fear. She has met many arrogant and rude man in the past but there is something different about this man. He had so much energy and fire in him. Anne could feel the heat from his body when he got closer to her.

‘Wait. Hold on. He is not Human. But, what is he? I can’t see past that gorgeous face of his’ Anne thought while still trying to figure out who this drop dead gorgeous man is.

As a Witch, she could see the true face of the Supernatural beings walking down the street among the Human. But, not this man. Anne sense there is something about him that is intriguing.

As he was about to raise his hand to what Anne thought is going to end on her neck choking the air out from her lungs, she whispered a forget spell, “Let this visit end. Be gone and remember me no more”

At the snap of her fingers. Time stops a few seconds. Just enough for Anne to run away from where she stood in between that gorgeous unknown man and the street lamp post.

Anne ran towards the Knight Corporation building and was breathless when she reached the receptionist area.. just in time when the clock starts ticking again.

“Hello, how can I help you, Miss?” the receptionist looks friendly with all smiles on her face. She can be mistaken with a smiling robot.

“I’m here for an interview as the CEO’s Personal Assistant. Scarlet Winters. Thank you” Anne said politely and gave her best smile while still trying to hide herself next to a tall indoor plant hoping the hot stranger she met earlier did not follow her here.

“That will be at level forty four, Miss. Please take elevator number four to your right. Have a pleasant day. Good luck” there she goes smiling again and talking in a cheerful voice attending next to a long line of visitors queuing behind Anne.

While returning with an awkward smile on her face, Anne moved quickly and practically ran towards elevator number four hoping no one else would walk in. As the door of the elevator closes, she let out her breath and cite a calming spell to set her emotions in order.

“You can do this, Anne. Piece of cake to get this job. Everything is in order” she took a deep breath and stepped out from the elevator and had a shock of her life seeing a long queue of at least forty women queuing in front of her for what she saw a signage stating “Interview room” ahead of them all.


Few minutes earlier outside the building.

Her brunette hair tumbled over her shoulders being loose from that hideous messy bun she had. The colour brunette was definitely not her true hair colour. He could see traces of red in between them.

Her slender eyebrows with her spellbinding deep blue eyes covered with her velvety eyelashes made his eyes frozen looking into them. When he moved his eyes passed her perfectly shaped elegant nose down to her lips, his heart skipped a beat staring at her blossom soft looking heart shaped red lips.

‘Who is this gorgeous looking rude b***h that dared to scold me in public?’ he thought while scanning her perfect hourglass figure with small waist covered by hideous looking dress that suits an old grandma. Women would tremble hearing his voice but this small woman standing in front of him just stood staring at him like he is some sort of a naked statue she is studying for art class.

As he walked closer to her to remove a piece of salad stuck on her shoulder dress, she whispered something that made his body froze. It was as if time stood still.

But, something odd happens.

He could see her running avoiding contact with the people who stood frozen at their place for a few seconds.

When time moves again, the man let out his breath and felt a little pain in his chest, “What just happened? What the hell just happened?!”

“Sir, are you alright?” the voice of his bodyguard startled him. He turned around and frowned at his muscular bodyguard wearing black suit.

“Did you see her?” the gorgeous man in grey suit asked his bodyguard for confirmation that who he met earlier was real.

“Apologies, Sir. You were.. uummpph.. alone” the bodyguard walked closer to whisper to his boss, “You were whispering to yourself, Mister Knight”

“What?!” the gorgeous man shook his head and ran his fingers across his golden blonde hair. “She looks real”

The bodyguard held his breath. He knows his young boss has a temper that could make a grown man pee in his pants when he shout or even talk in an angry tone.

“Jamie, I’m asking you again. Did you see her?” the gorgeous man walks towards his bodyguard towering him with his tall and toned figure.

“Stop it, Ashton. Come on. Give Jamie a break” a man came walking towards the gorgeous man called Ashton and pat his back. “Look, you just return from a long flight from Amberose City. It must be your mind playing tricks. Let’s go up to your office. I heard there are dozens of hot looking sexy women waiting to be interviewed by the handsome CEO of Knight Corporation, to be his personal assistant. Let’s go and not let those girls wait any longer.. and maybe you’ll find one to f**k tonight”

As his friend laughed, Ashton frowned, “I’m looking for a reliable assistant and not someone to screw around, you idiot!”

“Oh come on. I know you can’t wait to meet that gorgeous woman you are engaged with. It is nothing wrong to have fun a little before you get married” his friend winked and playfully punched Ashton’s right arm.

“I will not marry that spoilt brat Tara. She disgust me. You can have her, Lucas. I’m not sure how many men she slept with” Ashton fixed his suit and walks towards the Knight Corporation building with Lucas by his side.

“Hey.. I’m your cousin. I will never take your woman. That’s breaking our friendship code. Look, Tara might have done something bad to you in the past but she has changed over the years. She stopped being that wild chick we once knew. Trust me. Go meet her once and you will see what I mean” Lucas spoke while walking by Ashton’s side.

Being the Director of Knight Corporation and second in command if Ashton is away managing his business abroad, Lucas Knight has the same respect received by Ashton in their headquarter office located in Bloom City. The staff bowed to them in respect and gave way for their two good looking hot shots bosses walking towards the private elevator that goes straight up to the CEO’s office. Ashton Knight’s office.

While in the lift, Ashton was not hearing a word on what Lucas was telling him. His mind was still thinking about that mysterious woman who no one seems to know if she exists or not.

An hour later, while seated on his chair behind a large mahogany desk, Ashton smiled alone when he flipped open a resume file showing a woman with the name “Scarlet Winters”.