Chapter 3 CH 3: The Billionaire Ashton Knight

Waiting outside at the fairly large seating area where six comfortable long leather lounge chairs were placed in a row, Anne was looking around examining the women who came for the interview. Some were dressed to kill for the job with tailored suit and perfect hair neatly tied in place. But some, were wearing dresses that could be mistaken for them applying for the job as a stripper.

‘I feel so out of place. Why am I the only one wearing a plain black work dress? And why are they all staring at me?’ Anne thought to herself and felt a little uncomfortable looking at many eyes staring at her, examining her from head to toe. Well, she can’t blame them for staring. She probable looks ten years older than her real age wearing such hideous clothes. ‘I’m going to kill Sammy’

“Hello, I’m Tracy Danvers” a cheerful looking cute blonde girl came to sit next to Anne and extended her hand for a handshake. She was wearing a white work dress matched with a cream coloured jacket looking elegant and professional. Her green coloured eyes were with the shape of crescent moon when she smiles showing a dimple on each cheek.

“Hello. Scarlet” Anne said and shook Tracy’s hand giving her a fake smile. Not wanting to talk to the bubbly Tracy, who starts telling about herself to Anne, she took her hand phone out to check on if any message received from Sammy. There was none.

“I graduated from Dracor University with summa cum laude degree in Business Administration. I have also represented Dracor in sports and won many awards. My father, a successful businessman in the food industry, wants me to try this job” Tracy got closer and whispered to Anne, “Do you know Mister Knight is still single and never seen with any woman before.. except of course his so called fiancée Tara Amon (Tracy rolled her eyes). They are so not in love with each other and rumours are going around saying he is going to break the engagement soon. (Tracy smiled dreamily) He is said to be so handsome. Not just handsome, he is so rich, who built this billion dollar Knight Corporation all by himself from scratch. He is only twenty seven years old, you know”

Anne knows all about Ashton Knight even before she took on this Cupid matchmaking job but she still pretended to be interested and nodded to every single sentence that came out from Tracy’s mouth that seems not wanting to stop talking.

“So, how about you? What position are you applying for?” Tracy asked in a cheerful way with her cute school girl choir voice.

“CEO’s personal assistant” Anne kept her answers to Tracy’s many questions short in hope that Tracy would get bored with Anne and just disappear from her face. Anne is so close in doing a vanishing spell on Tracy.

“Oh.. (she looks at Anne from head to toe). Good luck then. We are applying for the same position. So, where were you attached to? I mean, you know, the requirements said it is for experienced person only” Tracy may sound cute and can get all chummy to the person she talks to, but Anne could sense this is the kind of person she should avoid. A hypocrite and back stabbing co-worker type if you don’t watch your back.

Taking a deep breath, Anne stared at Tracy with no smile but looking confident, “I worked before for Prince Aleksander Pierce and his son Crown Prince Angelo Ericson Regis-Pierce”

The two well-known names are enough to shut Tracy up. No one dares to work with the Pierce family as they all know how difficult Aleksander Pierce is as a boss. On top of that, to get in Pierce Corporation is not easy as they only accept graduates from Ivy League universities with top notch grades.

Smiling, Anne asked, “You have any more questions?”

Tracy shook her head. With a fake smile, Tracy slowly turned to disturb another woman seated on her other side. Anne smiled and thought if they knew who she really is, a Princess and daughter of Aleksander Pierce, she could imagine Tracy kneel on her knees in front of Anne worshipping her like a Goddess.

Anne has met a lot of women like Tracy and she surely knows not to trust her type who would take all the opportunity available to reach her goals in any possible way. Good and bad.

Resting her back on the pillow-filled comfortable lounge chair that would sunk your body in it as if it is made to perfectly fit your body weight and shape.. Anne closed her eyes to rest while waiting for her name to be called.

It felt so good that Anne did not realise she had fallen asleep for more than an hour waiting for her turn to be called for the interview. When she slowly opened her eyes, she saw there were only about three applicants left out of forty women who came for this interview session.

Sitting with her back straight, Anne looked around and saw that the interview session is still going on as the woman seated at a desk outside a closed room was still checking on the documents.

“I need to freshen up” Anne said and slowly got up from the seat and walked towards the woman seated behind the desk.

“Hello. I’m going to the restroom for a moment. May I know if my turn is next?” Anne asked politely with a sweet smile hoping this not so friendly looking woman would be a little kind to her.

“Name?” she asked with a bored tone not even looking up at Anne.. not even a second.

“Scarlet Winters” Anne said and noticed the door to the interview room opened with a sexy woman walking out holding a tissue on her hand. The sexy woman was crying.

Taking few steps back, Anne was stretching her neck a little to see who are inside the room giving the interview causing the sexy woman to cry. ‘This is not going to be smooth for me, is it not?’ Anne asked herself and sighed.

“Ah, Miss Scarlet Winters. I called your name earlier but you did not answer. Come with me. It seems the CEO is impressed with your resume and wants to interview you personally” the woman who sat behind the desk suddenly gave Anne a wide smile showing all her teeth, stood up and gestured for Anne to follow her to the CEO’s room.

“Ummph.. you mean, he is not at that room where the interview is going on?” Anne whispered her question feeling something is not right.

“Oh No. That interview room is for our Director Lucas Knight to screen the applicants. But, it seems our CEO has handpicked you personally to conduct the interview with you himself. You must have an impressive resume to be given such opportunity, Miss Winters” the woman said and gestured for Anne to follow her lead.




The sound of a message was heard to reach Anne’s phone. She stopped for a while just right in front of a large opened wooden door which has the name Ashton Daemon Knight on it. Anne took a look on who sent the message to her hand phone as she guessed it must be Sammy sending her more information on Ashton Knight, at the very last minute. Typical Sammy.

When Anne checked her hand phone, she saw the picture of Ashton Knight sent to her from Sammy and all the blood drained from her face. Her hand trembled as she kept looking at the picture of Ashton Knight sent to her hand phone.

‘It’s him!’ Anne gasped.

“Mister Knight, I have here with me Miss Scarlet Winters. The applicant for the position as your Personal Assistant. Would you like to see her now?” the woman politely asked a man who is facing the floor to ceiling glass window with his broad back facing Anne.

“Come in” he said with his deep voice that Anne has come to be familiar with.

When the woman left Anne alone in the large room that belongs to Ashton Knight, Anne was whispering a disappearance spell.

But, for some reason.. her magic is not working in this room.