Chapter 4 CH 4: The Interview

‘Don’t worry, Anne. You cast a forget spell on him. He won’t remember who you are. Be calm. Stay positive. This too shall pass’ Anne thought while inhaling and exhaling deeply trying her best to look calm and guilt free. Standing near the exit door felt much safer than walking towards him as somehow Anne felt something odd about this CEO’s room she had just entered.

Touching her protection rose charm bracelet, Anne felt it feeling a little warm but there was no sign of danger around her as the bracelet is meant to warn her of danger if it glows red. ‘I’m just over thinking. He won’t remember. The spell works every time when I used it’

With a little confidence slowly building up in her mind and heart, Anne looked up and saw the devilishly handsome Ashton Knight moved to sit on his chair placed behind a large solid mahogany crafted desk. He sat calmly with a blank expression on his face staring at Anne looking from head to toe, “Are you just going to stand there like an idiot?”

His words made Anne stop staring at his handsome face.. true to his words, she was standing like an idiot drooling over him. “My apologies”. Anne smiled nervously and starts walking towards his desk to take a seat.

Before her bottom touches the matching chair to the classic mahogany table, Ashton frowned, “Did I tell you to sit?”

He was saying those words in a serious tone while his eyes were reading the resume file Anne submitted earlier. There were a few pages he was frowning at and as he flipped to another page, he smirked.

‘You got to be kidding me. What is wrong with this man?’ Anne stood up immediately and took few steps back stamping her feet on the ground to stand behind the chair. Trying to smile a little, Anne lifted her head to look at him.

“Are you just going to stand there? Are you mute? Tell me about yourself.. other than what is written in this boring resume of yours” Ashton threw the resume file on his hand which landed on his table. He then lifted his head slowly to stare at Anne.

The stare made Anne’s confidence level drop a notch.. and his words made her a little upset.

Taking a deep breath, Anne bit her lips. A habit she can’t stop doing when she feels a little nervous. Anyone would be nervous to be in Anne’s shoes at this moment.. being stared by this gorgeous billionaire hunk. In that short moment, Anne was imagine herself jumping on the table and land herself on his lap kissing him hungrily like a horny she-wolf howling asking for sex.

“Miss Winters!” As she heard him calling her name in anger, Anne snap her mind from her sexual imagination ravaging the clothes off from her soon to be called boss.

“Ah.. ummpph. I’m Scarlet Winters” Anne was still trying to calm her mind as sweat starts forming on her forehead thanks to the sexual fantasy she just had with Ashton Knight.

‘What the hell is wrong with me? I should not be having these feelings on him. He is just a job I need to fulfil and get paid. Then, I will leave Bloom City to return to Averna. Focus Anne!’ she thought and opened her mouth to speak.

“What is it that you want to know about me, Mister Knight? I have clearly stated my background in my resume including my outstanding achievements working with the prominent businessmen such as the Crown Prince Angelo Pierce, Orlando Regalia and Damon Winters. You are free to call them to check with my reference list provided” Anne explained gently using her sweet voice that was to Ashton’s liking.

He kept staring at Anne as she was talking and at that point of time, all he could think off was to carry Anne to the leather three seater sofa in his room and starts kissing her. He was imagining how her soft pouty heart shape lips would taste like on his tongue. Just by thinking such erotic scene of tearing that hideous dress off her sexy body, Ashton felt an erection coming. He cleared his throat and took some deep breaths. He reached for the glass of plain water on his desk and drank it all while trying to calm his hard erection.

“Are you alright, Mister knight?” Anne noticed his sudden change of attitude towards her which looked odd all of a sudden. If only she is a psychic Witch that can read minds, which is a rare ability possessed among her Wicca lineage, Anne wished she could understand what kind of a man Aston Knight really is. ‘He is definitely not the same man I read about in the files sent by Sammy. There is something mysterious about Mister Knight’

“I said tell me about yourself.. other than what is written in your resume file. Are you deaf?” Ashton asked in an annoyed tone. He was staring intensely at Anne which is not helping Anne’s situation at all.

She has so many things planned in advance to say for an interview but the only words that came out were. “I’m a vegetarian” Anne felt stupid by saying an irrelevant thing. The words just came out from her mouth without her realising it. She was about to say something else but Ashton cut her off with something she did not expect. He had a smirk on his face that looked pretty scary at that moment.

“Are you pretending it did not happen? Are you pretending not remembering that you had just insulted me in front of the public calling me an idiot.. about just an hour ago?! Are you that forgetful, Miss Winters?” He said those words full of hate while gritting his teeth, “Why is a Witch like you applying for a job to be my personal assistant? ANSWER ME!!”

As Ashton stood up and banged the table angrily, Anne gasped, ‘No way! He remembered? What went wrong with my spell? No.. No.. No.. this is not possible’ Anne thought while taking few steps back slowly just as she is feeling some strange heat emitting in this room. The whole room suddenly felt warm like she is sitting in an oven.

“W-Whhaatt.. are you t-talking about? A Witch? Why do you think I’m a Witch?” Anne gulped and tried her best to pretend to be clueless to his statement about her.

“Are you lying? You are a terrible liar, Miss Winters. You think your forget spell works on me? Yes, I know what you did. You are able to stop time and run away while erasing the memory of you being there, did you not?” Anne looked up and to her surprise the tall towering figure of Ashton was already standing in front of her.

With whatever courage she has left in herself, Anne straighten her back and looked up to face Ashton. Using a confident voice, she spoke with a soft laugh, “If I have such powers as what you have just accused me, why would I be applying a job to work for an arrogant billionaire like you, Mister Knight? I would rather rob a bank or a jewellery store to make money than suffer working with you”

“You dare insult me again, Miss Winters? DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!” Ashton shouted close to her face. Mint breath. She should be scared to death and faint but being so close to him at that moment, is making her heart beats wildly.

Her cheeks blushed red which made Ashton swallowed his saliva trying to control his desire to cup her jaw and devour her soft looking lips.

Anne closed her eyes and shook her head. She lost focus and could not proceed with her original plan. At that moment, all she wants to do is to go home and start over coming up with a new plan. Opening her eyes slowly, she stared into his deep sexy eyes.

“I apologise, Mister Knight. I’m wrong to ever applied to work here as your personal assistant. Consider my application retracted. Thank you for your time.. which was mostly spent insulting me” Anne turned around and walked as fast as she can to leave his office leaving him standing at the same spot.. speechless.

“Did she just left me.. just like that?” her actions baffled Ashton.

Few minutes later, Anne exited the Knight Corporation building feeling all hot and sweaty in the cold weather. She could not believe what just happened. ‘How did he know I did a forget spell on him? It is not possible. What is going on?’

Her phone rang and it showed Sammy. While raising her hand to stop a taxi, Anne answered the call.


Anne: “Hold on a second. I’m in a taxi” Anne gave the address of her home in Bloom City after getting in the taxi.


Sammy: “How was the interview? I’m sure you nailed it, babe”


Anne (sighing): “He knew what I am. I don’t know how. I left.. in panic. Consider this job my first ever failure” Anne went on to tell him about what happened this morning skipping the part about her spell and Witch part as she is seated in a taxi with a man who may eavesdrop her conversation.


Sammy (laughing): “That’s hilarious”


Anne: “Shut up! It’s all your fault for making me do this alone. Hey.. I got an incoming call. I’ll call you later”


Anne then answered the call and was shocked with the news she heard coming from someone at the Knight Corporation. “Miss Winters. Congratulations. Mister Knight had personally approved your application to fill the position as his personal assistant. He request for your presence tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. sharp..”

The person who called her kept on talking about her remuneration package but Anne drop the hand phone from her hand and sat back staring ahead.