Chapter 33 CH 33: Those Lips

Taking few deep breaths, Anne slowly stood up with the support of the walls of the private toilet booth. Calming her breath, Anne replied, “I’m sorry, Mel. It’s.. ummpphh.. it’s the time of the month. I’m having some.. cramps. Just give me a minute to.. to sort myself”

Melinda smiled outside the door knowing she is lying but she’ll play along. Using a sweet and concerned voice, she sighed, “Oh my dear Scarlet, please open the door and let me help you. Do you have-“

“Yes.. Yes.. I do. I’m fine” Anne blurted out her answer as she wants Melinda to just get out from the washroom. She needs to be alone as she is not ready to face the scheming Melinda and her son.

“Alright, my dear. I’ll wait for you outside. Just call me if you need anything. I’m here for you” Melinda did mean her words. She does care about Anne’s well-being. She is not an evil person. Just a mother who wants to protect her son.