I had never imagined that Henry was concerned or bothered about the disappearance of our father. He rarely ever talked about it. In fact when mom and I started the conversation, he would always tell us not to mention that name. I had no idea it was because it made him depressed. Our stupid father had ruined our lives.
I regretted reading the diary because it made me sadder. It made me realize that my brother had been unhappy for so long. He had battled so many negative feelings on his own but never stopped smiling and laughing with us. He made sure we did not feel so bad and suffer a lot. I imagined him being alone in the room, writing his sad thoughts in his diary, with the fear of death in his mind. Moreover by that time the physical pain was a lot. With all the medicine he had to take, his head must have been heavy. His eyes may not have been seeing well but he’d labored on. He had continued to be the one we knew and loved.