Energy drained out of my body as the realization of the headline sunk in. Edward leaked his own nudes? After about a minute, I picked up the phone and skimmed through the article which had nude photos of Edward in bed with another woman. Their private parts were doodled over but once could clearly see they had a good time together. I felt nauseous and stood up. Running to the toilet, I threw up. I had never felt more disgusted. Since Edward was still rumored to be dating Jenna, there saying he had cheated on her and there was barely a thing about me in the blog article I read.
I returned to the room and checked other links. Yes, there was me, the mystery. Someone was wondering if Edward had been cheating on Jenna with two women. Although Edward and I had been out and about, there had not been huge speculation or anything. Some company workers had leaked that I had been a temporary personal assistant so most people assumed that we were meeting for business during our dates.