Chapter 58 Macy\'s rescue

“What is your problem?” I asked Maria. All I wanted was to be left in peace to deal with my problems.

“I’m not going to let you lie on bed and cry all evening.”

“Don’t stress me, Maria.” I said. “I’m not like you. Vibrant, energetic. When I’m sad, I shut down. I don’t go to the club to drink and forget my problems. I’d rather think of them.”

“I’m not going to let you mop around when you could have some fun,” she said. “Besides, there’s probably a good explanation for everything. I don’t know Edward so well but I’m sure that he is not the kind of person who’d do something like that.”

“Lets’ not talk about it,” I told her. “I’m so angry I don’t want to hear his name. However, despite all that, I’m not going anywhere. You go and have fun if you want to but that’s not going to work for me.”

“Heyyyy,” I heard a new voice in the room. I saw Macy entering my bedroom without permission.

Groaning, I turned around. What was wrong with her, walking in like she owned the place?