Chapter 4 I Will Be Your Last Wife!

Ileana pursed her lips, smiling softly and said, “It’s okay, Madam, I don’t mind.”

Upon her reaction Mrs. Collins' lips curled upwards because of satisfaction. Just like that with her poise and confidence Ileana got approved into Pamela’s good books.

She was dismissed for the day and sent back to her home by Pamela. Before Ileana could step in the house they had already been notified of the good news.

Ileana exhaled a tired sigh and stepped in the living room where Didem, her father and sibling were eagerly waiting.

Seeing her entering, Didem’s joy knew no bounds. She doesn’t let the opportunity go in vain to mock Ileana again.

“You’re indeed so lucky, Ileana, don’t forget us after getting better off!” she said with an underlying meaning.

Ileana sighed deeply, with her pursed lips she stood near the sofa.

Didem spoke again, “Since The Collins are the richest family in Aloha City, you should remember us in the future as well. Don’t forget that this opportunity is given by our baby girl, Kylie.”

Ileana gave Didem a small nod with a plastic grin.

Her mind drifted over some thoughts, “Kylie, gave her this chance? Woah… How this is considered well off! How low could they stoop?”

As she was tired with their shamelessness so she doesn’t want to have an argument.

She thought, “If she could have a chance one day, she would definitely step on their backs who once put her down or messed with her life.”

She was now determined that soon she would be able to fulfill her vows to her deceased mother.

Leaving them in the living room she left for her room. As tomorrow going to be a tiring day for her. No matter what, it was her wedding so she should look beautiful.


At the Parker Hotel, where the wedding banquet was prepared for Liam Collins and Ileana Smoore by The Collins Family.

The whole area was jittery as conversations among them were creating commotion. The guests were having unsubtle discussions and remarks in hush.

“Now this is the seventh marriage. I don’t know how long this girl could stay in the Collins Family.”

The lady sitting next to her remarked, “What a pity! It’s such a beautiful girl…aish.”

“Why pity! When most of them are gold diggers, here is her chance…” another lady in her middle age scoffed.

Ileana had prepared her mind already for all the remarks so she sat calmly in the resting lounge. She was sipping and enjoying herself with a glass of red wine in her hand.

To her shock a teenage girl appeared out of nowhere in front of her. Her skin was glossy and fair. An innocent look with a sweet smile crept on her baby face half rising sun’s rays. Her eyes were big, clear and bright like stars studded in them.

Her chirpy voice rang in Ileana’s ear when she greeted, “Hello Sister-in-law. My name is Sharon Collins and I’m Liam ge’s younger sister.”

She extended her hand towards Ileana for a handshake and spoke, “I hurried back immediately after receiving ge’s wedding news but look I still got here a bit late.”

Ileana was surprised at first but shook her hand, hesitant a bit but apologized instead, “Sorry Miss Sharon, things progressed too speedily.”

Sharon showed a pleasurable smile on her face. Ileana, at first sight, developed a liking towards Sharon.

She whispered to Sharon, curiously, “Sharon, how long does your brother’s longest marriage last?”

Sharon tilted her head as if figuring by clicking her finger on the cheek, muttering unsurely, “Umm,,, probably two or three?”

“You should ask the right person, not a child,” A cold voice rang behind them.

It was Liam whose voice sent chills down their spines. Sharon showed displeasure but remained unfazed.

“Lia..Liam—” Ileana was frightened but composed herself.

Sharon looked at Liam intently with a dissatisfied look and complained, “Gege, you planned to scare me to death or what?”

“It’s not good manners to talk behind someone’s back,” Liam pulled Sharon away and sneered at Ileana.

“The longest lasted three months, but with you it’ll be the shortest. So cherish your luxurious span of time!” he exclaimed arrogantly.

In front of him, Ileana just behaved differently. She had no idea what was happening to her.

At first she nodded but then shook her head, and remarked confidently, “Nope, Mr. Liam Collins I told you already. I’ll Be Your Last Wife!”

“Huh..” he snickered and rebutted at her assertiveness, “How arrogant! Let’s see..”

Seeing the drama unfolding Sharon clapped with excitement and squealed, “Ileana, I admire you! Good luck sis!”

Liam turned his head, glared and shooed her away, “Kids shouldn’t interfere in adults business! Go now!”

“HUH…” she stomped her feet.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward after Sharon left.

Liam, without warning, grabbed Ileana’s wrist and dragged her out of the lounge. It took a moment for her to understand what was happening.

She wriggled her wrist, trying to manage with his pace and scoffed, “Liam, What are you trying to do?”

Sensing her struggle he paced down and said curtly, “Let’s go home.”

“Huh.. But the guests are still here... How can we leave without ending business here?” She blurted some questions hesitantly.

He sighed, spoke tiredly, “I’m in no mood to stay here. If you want to stay here and be pitied, then by all means, stay.”

Liam let go of her wrist and his statement. Ileana glanced back and forth in bewilderment at him. A thought crossed her, “Was he trying to protect her?”

Liam was really one of a kind, who left her speechless. With nothing to refute back, she followed him obediently into the car.

Liam didn’t bother to utter a word throughout the journey towards the Collins Mansion neither did she.

Upon entering the villa Liam strode in without waiting for her. With difficulty, she reached the bridal chamber. When her hands opened the door, gawping at the scene, a gasp escaped her lips. It was extremely shocking because she had never expected that.

Since they were a married couple so like normal people she too could expect the roses, lighted scented candles and new red silk bedsheet spreading across the bed.

But that was not the case, her mind couldn’t bear the sight. Not even a tinge of warm or romantic ambience. All she could observe was only black and white.

She muttered in a raspy tone, “Like seriously… Liam Collins!!!”