Chapter 5 Is Liam A Gay?!

Ileana thought to herself, “This man must have grown up in a grave…Tsk…Such distaste in color and room objects.”

She was immersed in her thoughts when Liam spoke, “Get into your room.”

“Huh…” Ileana turned around her head in confusion at his sudden gesture. Liam was pointing at the painting on the wall.

She glanced in that direction following his finger, and asked, “Are you sure that it’s not a painting but a door?”

He was taking off his coat casually and ordered in two words, “Flip it!”

Ileana seeing his displeasure didn’t ask further and strode in that direction.

When she reached near it was a landscape painting, upon further observation she found that it wasn’t hanging on the wall with nails.

As instructed she flipped it open and a door attached to a small room could be seen. She turned the knob and dumbfounded with a small room and only a tiny window.

It looked really miserable but she asked him before entering, “ You mean we’ll be sleeping in separate rooms from now on… and I have to sleep in here?”

She pointed her hand at the room, keeping her calm demeanor. Liam didn’t even bother to answer any of her questions.

Her mind drifted towards his ex-wives, and she thought to herself.

“Were all his ex-wives treated the same way?”

She could have a fair idea how disappointed they would have been. When they first opened the door, how they must have felt. Well they were not his wives but mere objects to hide from the public. Indeed, so she was, wasn’t she?

A sigh was released from her mouth as she was tired and shocked.

Her sigh attracted Liam’s attention and he spoke lazily, “Don’t you understand things by now?”

Seeing her not reacting, he spoke further, “YOU should not stay in my room more than half a minute unnecessarily. The only time you're allowed is, while passing by the door. Also remember not to touch any of my things, especially my bed!”

His remarks to be exactly called warnings were the umpteenth time and she got bored, scrunched her nose.

Seeing her reaction Liam emphasized, pointing at the clean king size bed behind him, “Do not even come near it, get that in your head.”

Ileana wondered and her tongue slipped, “... Do you have mysophobia?”

Liam was pissed and replied, “I am just sick of disgusting creatures like you.”

“HUH… Disgusting?” Ileana sneered back at him…“And what about the consummation of marriage?” she added.

“I won’t even touch a hair on you, even if you stand naked in front of me,” Liam said, pursing his lips.

Ileana felt a splash of ice cold water poured over her, but kept her calm.

He spoke again lazily, “This is one of the reasons why all the six of them got divorced. Tell me which woman on this earth would want to live like a ‘widow’. When they have a husband who is kicking alive?”


A croaking crow passed over Ileana’s head and she didn’t respond.

Suddenly her mother’s words flashed across her mind.

A woman should never lose her heart even if she had to sacrifice her body…

Ileana made it her resolution that neither she would lose her body, let alone her heart.

It was just that…. momentary thoughts…

She squinted her big, clear and almond shaped eyes at him and blurted, “Why? Aren’t you interested in women? You seem like an ordinary man, aren’t you one?”

She remarked what she thought about him to get an obvious answer.

She had a bold but reasonable guess in her mind, “Is Liam a gay?!”

Her forehead creased in a freaking thought but his voice jolted her back to reality.

He said displeasingly, “Don’t go too far, I’m not gay. It doesn’t mean if I don’t like women that I should have other preferences.”

Liam seemed to have read her mind so he snapped back at her.

“I Hate Women! Get that in your head. I disliked their questioning, so better behave and learn fast to keep quiet.”

Being annoyed by his narcissism Ileana didn’t want to rebut back.

She smiled, greeted him, “Well, Goodnight then,” turned and left.

The door was closed with a light thud, “Woof…” she sighed a sigh of relief.

Leaning on it, she gently closed her eyes thinking she could finally relax.

Her mind struck some facts about her situation.

If she had to achieve her goal, she had to stay beside Liam. And if she had to stay with him she had to deal with him peacefully otherwise…

“Woohoo… Ileana, it’s a long and challenging journey ahead, keep fighting!” She motivated herself by whooping out some air.

It took her a while to get herself together. She then wanted to change out of her wedding gown. Opening the closet she found it was filled with women’s clothing brands. They were of high end tailored, custom made, different styles and quality products. She browsed through the pants, shorts, shirts, blouses, and dresses. More importantly none of them were worn as the price tags were instilled on them.

After a while she took out a modest looking nightgown. Removing her bridal gown, her creamy skin was revealed, white shiny legs and polished shoulder blades, she was like a fairy. Just as she was about to put on her clothes, her tiny door was ajar.

She immediately turned on her heels, found herself locking eyes with Liam.

“...!!!” She was dumbfounded.

With a lightning speed she grabbed her nightgown, covering her body, shouted, “Why can’t you knock before entering, shameless?!”

“As I had already told you, I’m NOT interested in women!” He deadpanned with a flat face.

“...” Ileana was speechless.

He snorted and ordered her, “Wear your clothes and come out.”

The door creaked shut again.

Ileana couldn’t deduce why all of a sudden he wanted her for, but she still went after changing.

“Umm… What’s there?” she asked softly.


“Anything that I could help you with?” she asked again, wanting to find a place to sit. But recalling his earlier nagging and warnings decided otherwise.
