Chapter 6 The Show Is Over : What About Your Lips?

Ileana was like a servant waiting for His Majesty’s command. She was standing dutifully at the foot side of the bed whereas Liam was lying leisurely on it.

Her legs were hurting so she bent down a bit to massager her calves, just then Liam spoke. She stood up straight in attention to listen to him.

“I have called you here because we’ll get inspected by my family. Since you’re the first woman chosen by me, stay here.”

He ordered her with a hint of warning in his eyes and plain face.

Ileana couldn’t understand seeing their different positions, so she blurted quizzically, “Ehh… Stay in the room! Standing like this?”

She looked back and forth for a second and thought to herself, “God knows how his mind works… Like seriously… Isn’t it obvious…”

When her thinking changed into muttering she didn’t remember, “Isn’t it obvious, how could a newlywed couple stay like this? Ugh…”

Snapping back because of the muscle pain she asked solemnly.

“If that’s the case, shouldn’t you at least let me sit down somewhere, Mr. Liam?”

He didn’t respond so she stretched her neck muscles and spotted a sofa at the other end of the room.

Seeing that her eyes glimmered in hope. She asked carefully for his permission, “Can I sit over there?”

Liam didn’t object so she turned around towards that direction. Just when she was about to take her first step an arm swooned around her waist. A collision of warmth could be felt around just like a tight hug. Everything spun around her, she felt dizzy and when her vision was restored, a handsome face came into view.

Her mind couldn’t process what happened at the speed of light.

Her mind questioned, “Why am I being pinned down by him on his bed?”

Their hot breaths could be felt as Liam’s face was just some inches away from hers. It was an intense moment but somehow Ileana mustered up her courage.

Ileana wriggled a bit under him and blurted, “Wh… What are you doing?”

The adrenalin rush on her face was visible as it was flushing like a red cherry.

“I told you earlier my family would come to investigate,” Liam answered brazenly.

Ileana gritted her teeth with anger and yapped in a whisper, “So what! We could just sit even if they are coming. Doing this, what are you trying to prove? Didn’t you say earlier you are not interested in women… Huh… Or are you trying to take advantage of the situation? Mr. Liam, aren't you tasting your own medicine?!”

Liam glowered at her remarks and felt offended. So he lowered his head near her ear and whispered teasingly to punish her big mouth.

“Look over there, to your right!”

Following his instruction when Ileana glanced along with him. She found the door ajar and a pair eyes peeping inside the room.

A gasp released from her mouth and her thoughts flashed in her mind, “Is that the so-called inspection?”

Actually it was just to check if they had engaged themselves in some intimacy or not?

For unknown reasons Ileana felt as if she had been caught in adultery. She felt embarrassed that just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself alive.

However, the handsome face appeared once again in her line of sight. It was just bending closer and closer and before she could react…

Liam’s thin and cold lips crashed upon hers, kissing softly like a peck.

“Wha… what the hell… That was my first kiss… Arghhhh…” She screamed in her head.

Her so called “Husband” who had no feelings at all stole it brazenly for the idiotic show.

His sudden attack came as a shock and her eyes were wide open. The calm and poise demeanor crumbled and shattered in which she always took pride in.

In that instance she felt if she could change her fate how good it would have been. How much she wished to be loved by someone and have a normal marriage. It was just like every other girl's dream to have a normal and peaceful life.

Luckily a faint clutching of the door knob could be heard which meant the peeping had been stopped.

As soon as the door was shut Liam let go of Ileana. He got up as if nothing had happened and said plainly, “YOU can go now, the show is over!”

Ileana got up in a disheveled state and unconsciously covered her cheeks.

Her voice was crooked as she asked in despair, “... Were you doing this all the while earlier too?”

Instead of giving her a straight answer he said coldly, “Don’t let me repeat it for another time… YOU are the first woman I chose… so bear it!”

She gave a wry smile and said sarcastically, “Well… Then I must feel honored.”

“Don’t feel that… the thing is you volunteered for this!” Liam arched his brow and mocked her with a smirk.

She was left speechless and the conversation was short lived. Sighing at his shamelessness she smoothed her nightgown and walked towards her room.

When she was about to enter her room she turned and reminded him.

“Ahem… looks like YOUR precious bed got dirtied,” there was an evil smirk upon her face.

“Ugh… Woman it doesn’t matter, I’ll just get it replaced tomorrow,” said Liam dismissively.

“Oops… But still you’ve to bear it till tomorrow then…” she arched her brows and said with a smile innocently.

She thought if he would throw the bed then it means… He truly felt disgusted by her?

She hardly retorted back or cracked jokes, but hearing the remark made by Liam, she felt amused. So she asked out of curiosity.

“Well, you can replace the bed but what about “YOUR LIPS”? It has touched mine too, hasn't it?”

The emphasis she laid on her words fumed Liam and his expression darkened.

“Then this means I should throw you out too…” he threatened.

“Well… If you could, that would be great then!” she said, clicking her tongue out.

She said it cheekily with a wink and dashed inside her room before Liam could do anything dangerous.

Her heart was racing because she was messing with the devil but…

Her body had been drained and sore both mentally and physically because of the events of the last two days.

But she was wide awake tossing and turning as it was an unfamiliar bed.

She felt stuffy and wanted to take a shower, but was afraid that she might bump into Liam. So she decided to wait till dawn.

As it was a ritual she had to serve the first breakfast to her in-laws. So it should be according to the Collins Family likings and customs.

She woke up early and with the help of the servants prepared a lavish breakfast for Liam’s parents who are now her in-laws.

It was around 8 in the morning, the dining table was set. Ileana stood near the head seat and served breakfast.

“Dad, please have some tea.”