Chapter 8 Ileana Following Behind Liam

When she approached the dining area, Ileana felt a surge of pain and numbness in her heart.

Seeing the lavish breakfast which she and the maids had prepared was laid neatly across the table.

Her mind drifted to her past memories. When at the age of ten she was brought into Tyler’s household.

As she was never a qualified person back in Tyler's residence. So she was not given a chance even to sit and dine along with them.

There she was invisible like air to them. They never asked her to join them at the dining table nor did she approach them out of dignity.

Things just passed on like that for some years. Later, when she grew up because of not having proper meals her body functioning wasn’t normal. Upon diagnosis further she found out that she was suffering from diverticulitis. Very rare to happen at her age but still, life is full of uncertainties and surprises. It was quite some years later, she realized that dignity was not something she should hold on in order to survive in the cold world. Except her nobody else would be able to save her.

Since she had none to share her miseries so she kept everything to herself.

Pamela called her, seeing her gazing at the food, “Ileana…”

She asked her with concern, pointing at the food in front of Ileana.

“Is it not to your liking?”

Ileana shook her head, and Pamela said with a smile, “Then? Why are you not eating?”

“Ah…” before Ileana could say further Pamela asked with a worried look on her face.

“Are you not feeling well?”

“No.. No.. Mom!”

She then immediately picked up the chopsticks and dug in. It was the same way she pushed herself out of the past territories.

The atmosphere at the table was warm like the food which was piping hot and delicious as well.

We all need love and our soul is hungry for it. So when we get that love we tend to become gratified because the yearning it creates could only be satisfied that way.

That was the same case with Ileana after marrying Liam. The family was warm and loving towards her.

The atmosphere went a bit low because Pamela suggested Liam to accompany Ileana.

“You’ll be visiting your in-laws with Ileana later today and I’ve asked the butler to prepare the gifts.”

Without giving a heed, Liam coldly refused, “I’m busy.”

Richard Collins was listening silently, frowned at his behavior. He then reprimanded him in a serious tone.

“You better not ignore some courtesy and stop your ridiculous excuse of being busy!”

“Dad! Do we really have to abide by all the ethics and traditions? Moreover, it’s my seventh marriage. If she wants to visit them she can go by herself… Why do I have to accompany her?”

Liam exclaimed with an annoyance.

“You…” Richard’s anger was soaring high. He angrily put down his chopsticks, “Bam!!!”

Everyone’s gaze shifted towards him.

“Listen very carefully, this is Ileana’s first marriage unlike you. What right do you have to treat her like this?”

“Does it matter anymore? Dad!” Liam retorted back.

Seeing the situation heading towards a heated argument, Ileana meddled to appease the situation.

“Dad… It’s okay! My family won’t mind. Besides this I have work to do.”

“Huh? Work?”

Pamela was the first one to break the silence with a jaw dropping expression.

She asked curiously, “What work do you do?”

Ileana was in a dilemma how to tell them. As she forgot that she has to comply with the rules of the new family. She was hesitant because she didn’t know whether they’ll accept it or not.

Seeing herself stuck in the messy situation, she cursed herself in her mind.

“Idiot Ileana you should have discussed with Liam…now, what to do?”

As things have already been blurted out. Exhaling some air she sorted her mind to prepare herself to answer them truthfully.

“I am a… Umm… A culinary instructor.”

Ileana’s heart was racing but at that moment all she could do was to wait for their reactions.

“Ah, so you are a chef. No wonder you speak so well and make scrumptious meals!”

Pamela said with a pleasing smile.

This reaction relieved Ileana's heart, she felt at ease finally.

“Mom… it’s nothing but thank you!”

“If you don’t mind, can you tell me where you work? Let Liam accompany you after breakfast.”

Pamela hinted, a suggestion but Liam flatly denied her hinting.

“Mom… I won’t detour for anyone as it’s too troublesome!”

Pamela glared at him reproachfully, “How do you even know? Ileana hasn't even said a word yet…”

“Mom… no matter what, my decision is fixed. She can go on her own.”

Liam wasn’t in the mood to even care about anyone’s sentiments and stood firm upon his decision.

Seeing that another argument was about to begin, Ileana spoke hurriedly to harness the tension in the atmosphere.

“Mom… It’s okay, don't force him. I’ll take public transport as I’m used to it.”

“What? Are you out of your mind Ileana?” Pamela was in utter shock. She couldn’t digest what Ileana suggested.

“This is not done, the daughter-in-law of Collins is going to use public transport! No way! How can I let you squeeze in such a crowded space… Wait, I'll arrange a chauffeur for you!”

Pamela said with a firm decision still glowering at Liam.

“No, no… Mom…”

Ileana shook her head in disbelief and said further, “Please don’t mind me! I just want to keep my profile low-key.”

“But —”

Pamela was at loss for words. But to appease the situation Mr. Collins barged in finally.

“Let’s stop it here and don’t make a fuss anymore honey. Since our daughter-in-law has her own understanding let her give some space.”

Ileana thanked in her heart that she finally got out of that sticky situation. She never wanted to be flamboyant because her marriage happened in a hurry.

“Hmmmphhh…” Pamela didn’t continue and pouted at her husband.

Seeing the situation Ileana felt touched by her in-laws' actions. We all know that actions speak louder than words.

But simultaneously she also felt a little bit guilty too. Her marrying into the Collins’ family and its purpose was just…

After the breakfast, both Ileana and Liam got up to leave for their work. Ileana followed behind Liam out of the house.

“What?” Liam suddenly turned and asked sternly.

Ileana was baffled at his sudden halt and interrogation.

She looked up in his direction with a confused look when he folded his hands in front of his chest.

Before she could understand anything he spoke with hostility towards her.

“Next time, better leave either before me or after me. Neither I like people following behind me nor I’m used to. So bear it in your empty head!”

He then turned around without even caring about her answer. His steps halted in the track when he heard a voice behind him.

“Did I disappoint you that I’m still a working lady even after marrying you?”

Though she was in turmoil she always held her head high.

“Huh… Why are you so full of yourself?”

He then turned around and stared directly with warning gazes, “Remember, I have nothing to do with whatever you do! But better keep this stack in your head, not to have an affair behind my back!’

Without sparing a glance he then strode with long strides, leaving behind Ileana rooting to the place.