Chapter 9 Is Liam Really…?

The weather was calm as it was in the evening. The sun was glowing but the heat it was radiating was peaceful and enjoyable. As it was giving the sense of warmth in life because we all know life needs clarity with a brighter sky.

Ileana knocked off at work and enjoying the peace returned back to the mansion. Throughout the way she had lots of thoughts echoing in mind but just shrugged it off.

Entering the mansion, she found the usual chirpy place, the living room was empty. Without wasting time as she was tired, headed straight towards her room.

Upon entering the main chamber which was a lee-way for her secret room. Her jaw-dropped because Liam stood true to his words.

Her eyes fell on the bed in the bedroom which was replaced with a new one.

Last night the color of the bed was white-black edges and polished surface whereas the new one was a high end matte finish black-gray in color.

In daze, she didn’t realize when her legs started moving in the direction of bed. As if they had their own movements. She circled around the bed several times. Unable to guess the reason behind his hatred towards women.

“So what! Even if she had touched his bed… couldn’t he simply change the bedsheet… why to waste money and replace it completely?”

Another thought forced her to mumble something. She sighed deeply and thought.

“What a weirdo!!! No wonder they were forced to divorce him or God knows…”

Soon she returned to her senses and retreated back to her secret room.

After changing her clothes she went back to the living room downstairs.

Sharon was sitting on the couch. Her eyes glimmered and an idea flashed across her mind. Maybe she could fork out some information from her sister-in-law. As she knew it well, Sharon has been a straightforward and easy going person.

“Hey, Sharon…”

Ileana greeted her with a sweet smile and enthusiasm.

Sharon, who was originally immersed in her hand phone, raised her head. Seeing Ileana her eyes lit up and she reverted the greeting in the same manner.

“Hey, Sister-in-law.”

Ileana started general queries about other people in the house.

“Where is mom?”

“Umm… Mom went to Mount Czar,” Sharon said sweetly.

“Why so suddenly? Is there any problem?” Ileana asked with some curiosity.

“Hehe.. look at you Ileana…”

Sharon laughed and then answered seriously, “Well she went to give the offerings and also to thank god for blessing her with a good daughter-in-law.”

Getting the answer Ileana felt relieved. She sat beside Sharon a little closer and cursorily scanned the area. As Ileana wanted to be assured there was no one around.

Seeking the good opportunity she whispered to Sharon.

“Can I ask you some questions?”

Ileana was cautiously reading Sharon’s facial expression too.

“Yes, what is it?”

Sharon, being an easy-going person without giving it a thought, gave her the permission.

“Ummm… It’s about your brother…” Ileana hesitated a bit before saying it out.

“Huh… carry on,” Sharon’s words finally gave her some courage.

“Why does Liam always get divorced?”

“Arghhh…” Sharon gave out an exaggerated sigh rolling her eyes.

Her actions were comical but she always radiated a positive energy.

“Why is it always me that all the newly married sister-in-laws have to ask the same question?”

“Hehe..” Ileana giggled at her exasperated sigh but a little embarrassed too.

“Well… I had never told any of them anything but I have a liking towards you since you asked with sincerity.”

Sharon looked towards the door and scanned the area before whispering.

“Ummm… It’s because he had never been affectionate to any of them. Since he has been a pragmatic and meticulous person… so no matter how much riches those women bore they can’t stand against something…”

Ileana couldn’t deny any of her words. Sharon continued further.

“He had never let any of them stay in our house for more than a couple of months. They have two choices: either volunteer to leave or he will force his ways.”

“Ahan I see…” Ileana was nodding her head.

Sharon narrated another incident, “You won’t believe how bad he could be. When my fifth sister-in-law was staying with us, and leaving after a couple of months. He didn’t even know her name. He literally broke my parents’ heart ruthlessly...”

Sharon’s face dropped a bit after the narration. But Ileana asked further.

“But What could be the reason for him behaving like this?”

“Sometimes I feel like… something is wrong with his brain…ugh..” Sharon said with hollow gazes.

Hearing Sharon’s words Ileana’s mouth was gaping but she asked, “Is he really…”

She even covered her mouth because of the shock her brain received. Albeit she knew there might be some other major reasons but she had never imagined the possibility of what Sharon hinted.

“It’s not what you think… Well it’s actually…”

Her words were cut midway.

“Sharon… Are you bad-mouthing about your brother again behind his back?”

An overbearing voice rang in their ears. They jolted in their seats and the curious expression changed all of a sudden.

Both of the girls’ faces were horrified but they just adjusted themselves.

The constant thumping because of Liam’s scary voice rippling Ileana’s heart. It was racing like crazy as if it would pop out of her mouth.

She had never been a gossiping person. As we all know well enough that curiosity kills the cat. The same thing happened which finally killed the cat.

Before she could digest the situation, Sharon leaned over and spoke huskily.

“Ge, never tolerate betrayal at all and I have already betrayed him twice for you. His anger knows no bounds. Good luck, you should handle him!”

Before Ileana could even react Sharon had already disappeared. She stealthily fled away from the scene at the speed of lightning.

Ileana mumbled under her breath with knitted browns, “Be ready for the devil’s wrath…”

She exhaled some air and closed her eyes in order to get the reprimanding from Liam.