Chapter 11 Liam Lost The Bet

Ileana didn’t budge an inch. She was the first person who threw Liam’s concern back to him with the same intensity.

He looked at her in utter disbelief. When he threw a glance at her it was like she had gone mad.

He wasn’t prepared or more like roaming in his own thoughts when she spoke.

“Ahem… So are you in?”

Arching her brow, she asked. In actuality she was deliberately provoking him.

After a momentary silence, he complied with a smirk, “Why not? I’m eager to throw you out of this house.”

He then turned and walked towards the door. When he was about to turn the knob, a sudden grasping on his arm was felt. He turned his head and saw it was Ileana from the corner of his eyes.

She asked hurriedly, “Where are you going?”

He then shook off her hand in disgust and spoke disgruntledly, “Downstairs.”

“Behave yourself, the game hasn't even begun yet and you’re so impatient…” he was more than annoyed by her sudden move.

Ileana’s mind was only fixated on her own plan’s execution so she wasn’t bothered by his disgust.

When she was still thinking, he then said authoritatively, “There are still some days in the execution better not rush it.”

When he heard a sudden shriek, his steps paused in his tracks. It was definitely Ileana’s voice.

“Arghhhh…What’s it on your bed?”

Instinctively his head turned in that direction but…

The moment was buzzing like the stock market’s share graph. Like it skyrocketed and peaked the chart.

In a flash, both of them didn’t understand what happened.

All he could recall was Ileana’s rushing body towards him and bammm...

A sudden collision of her soft lips over his cold and thin ones.

Liam’s guard was broken in an instant and his mind went blank completely. It felt like all his rationality, wittiness, overbearing aura or intelligence quotient was thrown out of the window.

All he could feel was Ileana’s lips. They were soft… like candy floss.

It feels like they will melt smooth like butter in the spur of heat.

It had been very long since his barren land had been sprinkled with some splashes of rain.

Her movements were so gentle yet intense. It was like the last leaf clinging to the branch before parting in the month of autumn. His throat started drying because her lips were still pressing.

Adam's apple bobbed up and down to relieve the parchment. She sucked his energy with her explicit movements.

Her tender fingers were touching his temples. Liam in that instant felt like dreaming. His expressions softened. To him she was the fallen angel with broken wings.

It was the time of tests and trials, brought upon him by God. The entanglement was the fateful encounter written in his destiny.

At that moment, both of them were like the polar opposite of magnets. Attracting and clinging to each other. The warmth was blurring the line of conscious minds. The sudden and continuous approach by her made him lose his mind. He closed his eyes, unconsciously responding back to her invitation.

Ileana’s hand loosened their grasp. Her knees went limp so she clutched on his neck for the support. As she trembled because of his kissing.

In his daze, Liam imagined a couple, standing under the bright and clear sky. It was dusk so the radiance of the sun was falling on the sea. The water mixing with the sun rays glowed like diamond crystals. The vineyard was providing the visceral ethereal beauty. The moment felt sacred, intimate, intense and surreal. It was like the couple were the only survivors on earth.

Suddenly the warmth in the current atmosphere dropped. Ileana felt strange in her heart.

Liam was hit by the cold and chilling breeze in his daze all of a sudden.

With displeasure he opened his eyes. The reality hit him hard and he ruthlessly pushed Ileana away from him.

Ileana, who lost her balance hit the ground, looked up in confusion.

The man in front of her was gentle and sweet some moments ago. But what went wrong her mind couldn’t think of anything.

The coldness in his eyes was of contempt and disgust.

He furrowed his brows, scrunching his nose, and spoke sternly.

“Don’t you dare! I warn you, not to repeat stupid things again, if you want to live here.”

Ileana’s gaze was hollow. She had been hurt in the past and adapted to it already. Sitting on the cold floor, her head hung low.

“Also don't push your little tricks. You’ll exhaust yourself if you use them excessively. They will ultimately lose their essence over time.”

Upon Liam’s retort she looked up fearlessly, rubbing him with a fact in the face.

“Well, Mr. Collins, I dared and took the initiative but… It needs both hands to clap. I hope you will keep your words.”

Her words were straight and clear enough to hint at him. Her glance fell upon his lower abdomen and she blushed a bit and lowered her head again.

Liam was wearing a pair of skinny lower. No matter what, something how hard one tried to hide couldn’t be covered up.

“Get out!”

He shouted fumingly. The anger in him was swirling like a tornado.

Ileana being the understanding lady had already achieved her goal. Without further ado disappeared from his sight.

Liam, on the other hand, immediately rushed to the bathroom. Turning the faucet, drenched himself with clothes in the cold water.

More than anything he was fuming at himself. He couldn’t relate how and when he started to feel things…

Having a reaction towards a woman. When he thought of them as annoying creatures like cockroaches or flies. From his understanding, it was a normal physiological need for an ordinary man but him…

Especially when reaction and situations like that happened. He felt like eating his own words.

“Arghh…” he grumbled.

His fingers were constantly ruffling his hair in frustration. It took him quite a long time to leave the bathroom that day.