Chapter 12 Poor Ileana’s Sticky Situation

It was dinner time. The delicacies and sumptuous meals were laid on the dining table. It was more luxurious and mouth watering than the breakfast.

The family was sitting in the living room, where Pamela excitedly held Ileana’s hand to chat about her visit. She was beaming with joy while retelling her journey to Mount Czar. She wanted to thank and return the favor of the monk and get his blessings.

Richard was listening to his wife’s excitement from the sideline, whereas Sharon was complaining about Liam.

“What a nuisance he’s dad…that we have to actually invite him for meals multiple times in a day… This is not tolerable…”

She continued being annoyed by his behavior.

“Thump-thump-thump—” hard and fast moving footsteps could be heard clearly.

Sharon lowered her head pretending to use her phone. The lively atmosphere halted for some moment.

Ileana turned her head in that direction. Seeing Liam descending the stairs she was bewitched for a second. He was exuding an overbearing yet impressive aura at the same time. Though his face was expressionless when he sat down at the table.

Judging by his appearance it was obvious that he took a shower not long ago. His limey-minty cologne wafted in her nostrils.

“Let’s pray and eat,” Pamela suggested starting dinner.

Pamela patted the back of Ileana’s hand and gestured to the servant beside her.

“Serve Young Madam the soup we prepared for her earlier.”

The servant quickly poured the piping hot soup in the bowl.

Ileana was flattered with her mother-in-law’s consideration. She thanked her with a smile.

“It’s been a long day for you, dear. Drink while it’s hot and eat a lot of nutritious dishes too.”

Hearing his mother’s word, Liam snorted.

“Huh… how tiring can baking get mom! All day long, all she does is just to instruct the students …It’s barely anything tiring…”

Ileana knew his contempt because he wanted to provoke her. But to her surprise it was Richard who saved her the day.

Richard raised his eyebrows at Liam, questioningly and said, “My son, first, we have not taught you to mock any talent… second, you’re not an instructor so how do you even know about her duties… Third, do you think it’s easy to teach students Culinary Art?”

To support her father’s point, Sharon even joined forces.

“That’s apt… She’s teaching students about Culinary Arts, so that they can be great chefs, cooks, bakers, etc… It really is a tough job just by thinking about it… Ugh…”

Liam was tongue tied so he threw a sharp glare at Sharon. She immediately swallowed her words and kept quiet.

To save the situation, Pamela eyed Liam warningly while speaking to Ileana.

“Just Ignore him… He is simply being jealous and territorial. Because we treat you nicer than him these days…”

Ileana soothed the situation from escalation by her announcement.

“Mom… We are visiting my family this week.”

“Bo… both of you?”

Pamela stammered because of the shock. As it was like she heard something wrong.

“Yes, both of us,” Ileana said firmly.

“Oh my goodness!”

Sharon butted in squealing, “Ge… Is it true? Are you really visiting her parents?”

She was so excited that she forgot the death glare he passed some while ago.

Liam remained pursing his lips. His whole family had the fair idea that his silence meant he agreed. But all of them were confused as to what made him agree that easily…

Needless to say, except Liam, the whole family was delighted with the news.

Visiting Ileana’s family was not only terrible but infuriating. What he couldn’t tolerate was to fall into Ileana’s trap.

The dinner was soon over. Liam was beckoned to the study by his father.

Sharon was waiting anxiously for Liam and Ileana to leave the table.

She groped her mom’s arm and whispered, “Mom.. Don’t you think Ileana is super amazing!”

“Huh.. What do you mean?” Pamela asked in confusion.

“Well… in the evening, me and Ileana were caught red handed while gossiping about him. Knowing how terrible he is! I dodged the situation quickly. Thought that she would bear his wrath but look at it now…”

She exclaimed with contentment while rolling her eyes.

“Hmmm.. I see. Well not only she escaped unscathed but also persuaded him to visit her family?” Pamela added guessingly.

“Indeed Mama… Isn’t that unbelievable!”

For a moment, Sharon thought what had happened earlier was all quite unrealistic.

“That’s why, I immediately went to return the favor. I had a hunch that this time, it’s going to be his last marriage… Perhaps for a lifetime!”

Pamela remarked, wiping her tears. Her eyes twinkled with joy after hearing.

She asked Sharon to call Ileana downstairs.

Ileana went back to her room to prepare the next day's lesson plans. So she didn’t stay back for the after dinner chat.

“Sister-in-law, Mom is calling you downstairs.” Sharon peeped in the room and passed on the message.

While going downstairs, Ileana bumped into Liam, who was coming out of the study room.

Their eyes met and he threw intense glares at her. That very moment Ileana felt suffocated, as if he would swallow her alive. She even felt chills and boring holes at her back while descending.

Pamela was sitting in the living room.

“Mom, you called for me?” She walked in her direction and asked courteously.

“Umm… come sit beside me.”

Pamela took off the glimmering jade bracelet from her own hand and placed it on Ileana’s palm.

“Mom…” Ileana was at loss.

The situation unfolding was too sudden for her.

“Ileana, this is a gift from my mother-in-law. It’s the family heirloom. It means a lot to me, I know you are capable of it. That’s why, I want to pass it on to you.”

Pamela looked at the bracelet intently and solemnly. It was on her since she got married in the Collins family. But now it had to change it’s owner finally.

The surroundings went into deep silence, felt like time had stopped for a while. Everything was motionless even the racing heart beats went flat in that instance.

Liam was the one who was the most shocked among them. He was the first one to break the icy situation.

“Mom… It’s grandma’s gift for you! Moreover, it belongs to our Collin’s family. How could you give it to someone else?”

His frustration was evident in his expression and tone.

“Ileana is your wife and Collin’s family’s daughter-in-law.” Pamela voiced her facts indignantly.

“But I had been married before… Why is SHE the one to deserve this?”

He threw another question at his mother with emphasis pointing at Ileana.

“Liam, she is not the first one indeed. But I’m confident she will be the last!” Pamela finally said indifferently.

She didn’t care about his opinion nor wanted him to question her decision.

Liam was fuming at his mother’s such indifferent compliance. This woman had spellbound his family on her pinky finger.

Since Liam lost his grounds with Pamela, he changed his opponent. This time he targeted Ileana, glaring at her and even hinting not to accept the bracelet.

Ileana’s mind was in extreme turmoil about what to do.

If she accepts Liam would wreak havoc, if not, her mom-in-law would be sad.

Poor Ileana’s situation was indeed a sticky one. She just wanted to get teleported anyhow.