WebNovelWild Sin30.38%

Chapter 24

Just as she had each morning over the past week, Taryn was perched on the kitchen counter sipping her coffee while engaged in a staring contest with dear old Greta. It was practically ritualistic for them to partake in a battle of wills whenever they were in the same room. Each and every time, Taryn would leave the room smiling while Greta was purple in the face and growling. Once Greta had realized that she wasn’t going to scare Taryn off, she had taken to simply insulting her and generally being difficult. In truth, Taryn found the whole thing just as entertaining as everyone else did. As usual, they were all eating quietly as they waited for the verbal spar to begin.

“What are you looking at, hussy?” Greta finally spat.

“I haven’t figured that out yet.”

Huffing, Greta drank down more of her weird green herbal tea. “I hope you’re not getting comfortable, you won’t be here for much longer.”

“So you’ve said. Repeatedly.”