Caleb lowered his voice as he spoke. “Look, if your dad’s right and you did this to get away from Roscoe…well he’s dead now. You don’t have to keep this up. God, you could have come to me, I’d have mated you. I still will if it’s what you want.”
Taryn smiled. “Caleb, that’s sweet and all, but do you really think I’d ask you to enter a permanent mating with someone you thought of as nothing but a friend – an annoying friend at that – ending any chance of you having a life with your true mate?”
He shrugged, suddenly seeming uncomfortable. His voice was even quieter when he spoke again. “Who says I see you as nothing but a friend? Maybe I just hadn’t acted on what I felt because it would have felt like I was betraying Joey.”
Taryn rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Right.”
“So you hadn’t wanted to mate with Roscoe?” asked Shaya.