The next day, I woke up in a dull mood, yeah when things don’t go to plan and according to your fairytale, it makes you sad and angry at the same time.

I sigh, feeling overly tired for no reason at all. I walk into the washroom washing up myself and then coming out, I see my mobile ringing continuously.


I pick it up, it was from my college. They have asked me to come over, yeah, seems Like I am going to Chicago after marriage to pursue my degree in designing jewels.

Wow, my before low mood suddenly gets lifted by this possibility and I run out to inform my mother about it, my mother too squeals in joy. I rush to Cyril’s room excitingly but he was still asleep.

I should reveal this news to him in the evening, I thought as I close his door and quickly gets ready to leave. Thankfully, mom hasn’t asked about Andrew yet, and before she would be able to say anything I successfully leave the house.

Today I am wearing trouser pants with a simple tee and a cropped jacket over it, I just hope I don’t get to encounter that MF Aiden today, but what I did to him last time, I don’t think he would be able to return to the college so soon.

At least, it will take a whole week for his face to get back to normal.

This thought pleases me, and calmly I walk towards the college. As expected that moron guard is still nowhere to be seen, I think I should complain about him to the principal today.

Walking inside nonchalantly, I bump into something hard, “oops… I am…” I look up to apologize and my low tone suddenly gets louder as I see the person standing in front of me clearly.

“What the hell… How could you be back…?” I frown and Aiden smirk at me, “Miss me?”

“Hell, no… But I really miss the invitation to your funeral.” I tell him sarcastically and his smile coyly, “Not so soon, Tess.”

Aiden’s half-face was covered in bruises and still, this Moron is smiling at me, such a jerk. Can’t he feel any pain at all?

“Well. now if you would excuse me, please.” I say and then stepping aside, I try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist suddenly making me stunned.

“Tess, I am not done with you yet.” His voice is giving away the threat and warning and immediately I understand what he is talking about. Well, MF we’ll do it later, now I need to head to the Principal's office.

“Not now, Aiden..” I pull my hand out of his grip and walk fastly towards the Principal’s office.

“Do you know Andrew Jack?” His voice comes from behind me and I stop midway.

“He comes here to ask about you, is there something between you two?” He asks and I could sense the large layer of jealousy in his voice. What the hell is his problem and how did he know about Andrew? And Also why did Andrew comes over here to ask about me instead of visiting me yesterday in person?

My head starts to fill with multiple questions but dismissing everything, I walk inside the Principal’s office. I need a piece of good news first and then I will look at the rest of the things.

“Good Morning, dean.” I greet the principal and he politely greets me back. “Tessa, how are you?”

“I am fine, sir,” I answer politely.

“So, Tessa, I have submitted your documents but unfortunately…” He pauses and then starts collecting some papers, “Your request for the scholarship has been denied.” He places a piece of paper in front of me that has a stamp of large words. “Denied.” on it.

I look at him in disbelief and then look at the papers on the desk.

“B..ut, why…?” I stutter.

“Huh… I can’t tell the reason… You are seriously the best student at our college I too don’t understand this… This must be connected with Jack’s family. I don’t want to be impolite but I guess you should talk with them and resolve your issues in private. You won’t get any benefit Tessa by fighting with them. They can ruin you in a second.” The dean says thoughtfully and I frown badly.

Jack Family? Is he talking about Andrew Jack but why would he stop my scholarship? What is his problem with my education? I am going to become his wife, not a slave.

I need to talk with my father about this. I pick up the papers in my hand and storm out of the office not knowing that my eyes have been shedding hurtful tears.

“You saw Andrew Jack in the college?” I question Aiden who was already waiting for me outside the dean’s office.

He nods his head as he looks at my crying face worriedly, “When?”

“The day you submitted your papers for the scholarship.” He replies and I feel a huge pang of sadness in my heart, So, you have got the time to cancel my scholarship but not a few minutes of spare time to meet me?

I ignore everything that he did and keep moving on but with this, no, I won’t sacrifice my education. I need to complete my degree and become a jewel designer, if Andrew is my dream then becoming a jewel designer is also one of my dreams.

Angrily, I crumpled the papers in my hand and start walking towards the gate just to get stopped by that MF Aiden again. “Tess, what’s going on, tell me..”

He demands like my boyfriend, Oh really? I look at him in surprise.

“Who the hell do you think you are, You are nobody to me Aiden…” I scowl at him and continue to walk.

“Tess, Whatever is going on in your life. Remember one thing, I own you and you belong only to me.” He whispers in my ear getting too close to me.

I frown as I could see his bruises clearly now, it looks too bad.

“I am not a f**king thing that someone could own…” I growl as I slap his face furiously.

I am done with this nonsense, I am not anyone’s property neither dad, neither Andrew, and neither Aiden’s. I am a f**king human being and I have my own life to live and I have the right to take decisions of my life on my own.

“Listen Aiden, even if it’s Andrew Jack or the king of England, I will never let anyone own me… I am Tessa Will, and no man can control my fate…” I say through gritted teeth and storm out from the college.

Finally, I notice the guard as I bark at him on my way out.

“Why the hell you keep disappearing from the gate, huh? Keep that Moron inside, if he follows me I’ll make a complaint against you in the police station.”

The guard turns pale from my threat and immediately holds Aiden who starts to run after me crazily.

“You are Mine, Tess… Only mine…”

He yells like a psychopath, and I frown frighteningly, I hope this Moron has gone mad at this moment, because if he is really confessing his love to me then I am going to be in deep trouble because he won’t let me continue my studies peacefully.

And before this, I need to find my dad and discuss this matter briefly. I think this is the time to give a second thought to this misalliance marriage.