Once I opened my eyes to start a new day, my smile quickly turned upside down as I realized how awful the rest of my day would be. As my mom wished, I agreed to take her to Gilbert’s anniversary party on her birthday, but that doesn’t mean I’d have to pretend to like it.
I absolutely detest it. I mean, who celebrates their birthday at their ex-partner’s anniversary party? Only my mom would!
I buried my head on the pillow and started to scream endlessly. The torture of even just thinking about it made me barf. To think I have to see those people on my mom’s special day! I didn’t get a day off just to be pissed off!
Someone knocked on the door, so I paused my outrage.
"Baby? You awake?" My mom’s voice travels through the door.
"I wish I'm not!"
She opens the door, "Don’t talk like that. Are you wishing me bad luck on my birthday?"
"Of course not!" I got up and hastily said, "You know why I'm upset in the first place, why are you twisting it like that, geez."