Chapter 7 Controversy

The rest of the night ended with Giselle trying to get Xavier's attention or intentionally reminding everyone present that Kendall was only a cleaner and a nobody who doesn't deserve to Stand beside Lord Xavier but unfortunately he left for something important before she could even say a word.

Kendall found Xinah and together they both left partly drunk , lord Xavier asked a chauffeur to drop them off.

Kendall was surprised the driver actually knew her address but didn't think too much of it.

"Are you gonna tell what happened back there or you want me to make you spill the beans?" Kendall walked outta the bathroom while using a towel to dry her hair.

Thinking back to it a faint blush appeared on her cheeks but Was quick to conceal it.

"Yes! Don't you dare lie to me Star, your face is red so I'm pretty sure you did something naughty."Xina was stubborn and persistent, something Kendall loved about her friend.

"Okay fine argh!" Kendall dropped the towel and sat down by the edge of the bed.

"Remember the guy I slept with? " She asked and the Xina nodded immediately.

"You mean the pretty escort?" Xinah could sense where the discussion was heading.

"Hey! He's not an escort okay? He's Xavier Williams and you won't believe he came looking for me at the party." Kendall rolled her eyes at the dramatic expression on her face.

"I knew it! I could literally hear your moans across the hall. I didn't know my friend was a teenage girl sexual hormones." Xinah was exaggerating the whole thing making Kendall blush even more.

"Stop it Xi! Who let you into my room? this is called invasion of privacy!" Kendall covered her face in embarrassment.

"No sweetheart you're just embarrassed I caught you red handed. Well it's not really a bad thing though he's rich and handsome

it's a win win." Kendall was crimson red from all teasing.

"That's not what it looks like you know? He's a businessman and probably have a few beautiful ladies waiting in line to climb into his bed and i just happened to be one." Kendall felt strange saying it but had to understand she was only Messing around with him.

"Wait! Don't tell me you're catching feelings just because he's good in bed? Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" Xinah rolled on the bed happily.

Kendall didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Xinah's childish words.

"Get outta my room Xi!"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Kendall stood up and chased her outta her room before shutting the door.

She rested her back against the door and placed her hand on her chest trying to calm her racing heart.

Xinah would definitely be the end of her.


"Argh!" Giselle screamed in anger as she kept smashing all the souvenirs and antiques in her father's mansion.

"Calm down sweetie let's talk okay?" Chairman Gu and hi wife, Bianca were both anxious as they tried to stop her to breaking any more of the expensive antiques.

"It's all your fault mother! You were the one who insisted I invited her to my birthday party! Argh!" She picked a flower vase and threw it towards the direction of the maids standing beside her parents.

Fortunately the maids were able to duck on time.

"Stop throwing things honey I promise I'm gonna do something about it." Chairman Gu was trying so hard to pacify his raging daughter.

"I love him dad I really do, I'm gonna do something terrible if you don't get me lord Xavier." She burst into tears and didn't even stop breaking things.

Kendall is a lowlife and didn't even deserve to breath the same air as her.

Being ignored by Lord Xavier was one thing but f*cking her lowlife cousin was something her ego couldn't accept.

"We'll definitely do something about it okay? Stop breaking things or you're gonna hurt yourself." Bianca couldn't understand how Her daughter could be so obsessed with someone much more powerful than their family combined.

"Really daddy? You're gonna get me Lord Xavier?" She made her ultimate puppy eyes and Chairman Gu couldn't find it in his heart to say no to his beloved daughter.

Giselle became worn out from throwing things and eventually fell to her knees crying.

"I hate her! I hate her so much! I hate the fact that she's always in my skin." Giselle cried bitterly as she thought of how Kendall rocked a dress from a high end fashion designer which she couldn't secure a contract from.

"If you stop throwing things and calm down I promise to get you dresses from KM." Chairman Gu immediately declared for it breaks his heart to see his little girl in distress.

"Really daddy? Thanks daddy you're the best." Giselle's mood took a 360 degree turn surprising everyone present.

She ran into her father's arm happily.

"Anything for you my chòrito."he heaved a sigh of relief.

"I love y.... Ouch!" She winced in pain when she stepped on a broken piece of the vase she'd thrown away.

"Oh my goodness you're bleeding! Quickly bring the first aid kit." Bianca rushed to her daughter's side with a pale face.

Once Giselle's matters had been taken care of Chairman Gu was about to go upstairs to his study when his personal phone vibrated.

Giselle and her mother's phone also began ringing the same time.

Chairman Gu frown in confusion and picked up the call.

His eyes widened in shock after hearing with the other side had to say.

"Turn on the TV now!" He shouted at the maids and they immediately turned on the TV.

The entire Gu industries were all over the news as the second biggest shareholder, X enterprises shocked the stock market by selling all of their shares in the market.

Chairman Gu almost had an heart attack listening to this.

"Rolland! Are you okay?" Bianca rushed to her husband's side and helped him to a couch.

"Quickly call the doctor!" Bianca panicked when she saw his face paled as white as sheets.

Anger, hatred and confusion wash through Giselle as she listened to the news.

The only person that came to her mind was Kendall, she was absolutely sure she'd said something bad about them Infront of Lord Xavier.

"Mom it's Kendall, she most have said something nasty about us to Lord Xavier to ruin your business relationship with him." Giselle voiced out her thoughts.

"I knew we shouldn't have let her outta our sight now she's trying to bite the fingers that fed her. That ungrateful little retch!" Bianca cursed angrily as she held onto her husband's palm.

A strange glint passed through his eyes as he listened to his wife and daughter.

Ofcourse he was the one he'd granted Kendall's wish to leave the mansion.

"I'm going to have a word with her today and tell her to undo whatever she'd done. Hmmph." Bianca spoke so softly one would think she was being righteous but deep down she was thinking of how she could strange that little retch to death.

While the Rollands were having a bad morning and blaming their predicament on Someone else, Kendall was busy reviewing a few documents on her new mall acquisition.

"Hey Star! the Rollands are on the news again." Xinah walked into Kendall's office grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh i know and I'm pretty sure Giselle is gonna blame it on me and probably ask her scheming mother to come see me." Kendall spoke nonchalantly as she thought of how they would probably be trying to scheming against her, did they think she would wait around for them to scheme against her first? Never!

Xinah was no doubt impressed by her best friend's IQ.

"Which is why you need to reveal the face behind KM." Xinah sat down on the couch while watching her friend switch into work mode.

She was the vice president of Runway fashion house and Kendall was the president.

Xinah had been the one always attending bouquets and galas also entertaining the press still the people were still curious who the designer and CEO was.

"Ofcourse I would love to face slap all of them but first I need to round up the KM shopping mall project." Kendall mumbled without taking her eyes off the documents in her hands.

"Do you think your rich Escort purposely tried to sabotage the Rollands? " Xinah raised her eyebrows teasingly earning a chuckle from her.

"Stop calling him that okay? Plus I don't really think he would go through all that hassle for me okay? Why waste money on someone you barely even know?" Kendall shook her head and wondered how Xinah's brain works.

"What's that I see on your face?" Xinah was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

"What?" Kendall instinctively touched her face falling into Xinah's trap In the process.

"Ah! You're seriously blushing, Escort Xavier should be the greatest of his time to be able to make you blush." Xinah blurted out completely unaware of the third party that walked into the office.

"What did you call me?"