Chapter 8 Taking her out for lunch

Ever since the first night Xavier bedded Kendall he hasn't been able to keep her outta his head no matter how hard he tried.

He could practically still remember how she tasted.

A frown appeared on his forehead as he thought of other things he didn't understand.

The board of directors were utterly silent as they watch their boss who went over a change in emotion and they became scared he isn't happy with the presentation.

They knew how cold the big boss was and won't think twise before firing someone he finds incompetent.

Xavier's eyes were glued to his phone as he thought about her all through. He'd secretly left his number on her phone so why isn't she giving him a call yet.

He's rich and handsome,every girl would die for an opportunity to be with him and yet the one he took interest in is just so hard to understand.

He raised his head to look at his subordinates who were looking at him like he'd grown horns.

"Why did you stop?" He asked with a straight face. They all couldn't help but wondered what he was thinking about that he's distracted at the meeting.

The project presentation went on after a short stop but Xavier wasn't paying attention as came to a conclusion to deal with Chairman Gu.

Kendall's identity as a very successful businesswoman is still unknown to them and he guessed they've something to do about it.

"Great work everyone. Meeting adjourned." Lord Xavier stood up unhurriedly and left the board room with his assistant trailing behind.

"I want you look into Gu industries find out everything that happened years ago and a connection to her parents death. Also release all of our shares in the market and let them run like headless chickens for a while. " Leo nodded while working on his tablet.

"I'll get on with it right away." He bowed slightly and walked outta the office immediately.

X Corp is a giant that shouldn't be messed with and the young miss of the family seem to forget about that now her father's blood and sweat would suffer for it.

Once his secretary had left he still couldn't concentrate so he decided to go pay her a visit.

He picked up his windbreaker and left his company.

Once he arrived at her company, the front desk naturally knew who he was so he was led towards the VIP elevator without asking if he'd an appointment.

Everyone knew he's the president of the biggest tech company and also the youngest billionaire known.

He'd planned to surprise her and maybe go for lunch together so he walked into her office quietly.

But who would have thought Kendall and her friend would called him an escort behind his back.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the term 'escort Xavier.'

"What did you just call me." He asked with a cold face and Xinah who had been caught red handed chuckled nervously.

"Hehehehehe esc... I mean lord Xavier I didn't see you there." She obviously couldn't stop herself from laughing and Kendall covered her face in embarrassment.

She wish the earth would open and swallow her up.

"Is that how you see me love?" He turned to Kendall with a hurt expression plastered on his face making Kendall rolled her eyes."Ofcourse not! It was all Xinah's idea to call you Escort Xavier." Kendall lied with a straight. Okay maybe some part wasn't a lie.

Xinah being Xinah burst into ripples of laughter earning a chuckle from him.

"Don't listen to star! She thought you were an escort." Xinah defended herself and stuck out a tongue at Kendall who only sigh.

"Why am I not surprised you know so much about me?" Now that she thought it he seem to know too much about her making her wondered if had investigated her the other night.

"Won't you introduce me to your friend?" Xavier changed the topic without commenting further.

Xinah immediately stood up and shook his hand dramatically.

"I'm Xinah O'Malley the vice president of Runway fashion house and her best mother f*cking friend." Her introduction earned a chuckle from Kendall and Xavier.

"Okay best mother f**cking friend I'm Xavier Williams Ming, you must've already heard about me." Xinah didn't let go of his hand as she kept shaking it.

"Nice to meet you too. I guess this is my drill to excuse you two, try not to make much sound okay?" She winked at Kendall and left the office immediately.

Xavier wondered how Kendall could live with someone this annoying.

"Why are you here?" Kendall's voice broke his train of thought as he moved closer and made himself comfortable on the luxury couch in her office.

He looked around the place and was indeed impressed by the interiors.

"Let's have lunch together." He bluntly requested and Kendall indeed not surprised he would make such requests.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but my schedule is full." She rejected him with a straight face but unfortunately for her Xinah who was eardropping sabotage her plans to do so.

"Nah you're schedule ain't full." She opened the door a little and spoke surprising Xavier but on the other side he was happy someone was on his side already.

"Argh! Xi which side are you on? Why are you eardropping on us?" Her ears were burning with embarrassment.

"Your side obviously, I want you to go out and loosen up." She whispered by the door and finally walked away.

Kendall still tried to maintain a cold face even though she'd been cornered.

"Ready?" He stood up unhurriedly and adjusted his jacket and ran a finger through his jet black hair.

Kendall had no other options but to give in.

She turned off her laptop and picked up her handbag before walking outta her office together.

Her employees were shocked to find their boss walking and talking to the most powerful person in the city nonchalantly.

It was the most bizarre thing they have seen in their lives for it is said that the demon CEO gets uncomfortable around women, he has never been or seen with any lady.

He was feared by many as they knew of his ruthless ways of forcefully acquiring companies all over the globe.

Xi was the happiest of them all as she stood by her office floor to ceiling window grinning from ear to ear as she watched her friend stepping into Lord Xavier's car.

Ofcourse Kendall was unaware her little outing with Lord Xavier had turned her company upside-down as she busy arguing with him at a high end restaurant.

"Nope! Cheese goes with literally any dish and I love cheese so don't you dare say bad things about Mr cheese." Kendall loved cheese so so much she couldn't stand someone saying no to cheese.

"Oh I see, then you most be obsessed with SpongeBob SquarePants to be defending cheese." Xavier smirked mockingly and She blushed heavily.

Okay yes she loves SpongeBob So much she developed that same love for cheese because it reminded her of SpongeBob but just hearing it from him made her so embarrassed.

She was like a open book Infront of him and didn't like that feeling.

"Don't disrespect SpongeBob like that."she glared playfully and the waiteress enter the private booth with a troll containing all of their order.

Kendall looked at the waiteress and smirked at how hot she looked with her boobs threatening to pop out from her shirt and her skirt definitely shorter than the usual uniform.

Kendall instantly concluded she was dressed this way to seduce someone.

Her eyes landed on Xavier and she chuckled softly causing him to stare at her with questioning eyes.

"Is there something on my face?"he asked but Kendall only shook her head keeping her thoughts to herself.

She was surely gonna watch a good show.

"Hello Lord Williams I'll be the waiteress in charge of your orders today please call me if you need anything. " She bowed slightly hoping he would turn to look at her boobs poking outta her shirt but to her disappointment he didn't even acknowledge her presence for he was busy staring at his date..

The waitress wasn't gonna give up yet for this was her chance to hug a big thigh and change her destiny for ever.

She is prettier than his date and also has the body of temptess no man could resist her.

"Is there anything else you would like to add to your dishes?" She asked using a rather sweet voice Kendall almost burst out laughing but maintained a straight face.

"It's not me you should be snucking up to." He spoke without staring at the waiteress.

"I'm sorry what?" The waitress asked for she was confused.

"It's her you need to snuck up to. If she doesn't enjoy your service I'll have your contract terminated." He pointed at Kendall with a nonchalant expression.

It was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her head because she'd ignored his date earlier on.

It was akin to shooting herself on the foot.