Chapter 9 Nine

"She likes you." Kendall stated the obvious as she slowly savour the taste of the wine.

"I see." Xavier smirked playfully twirling the wine glass in his hand..

"What? Don't tell me you didn't see how badly she wanted you to pay attention to her?" She asked in disbelief. After being shamed by him the waitress was replaced immediately to someone who takes his job much more serious.

"And don't tell me you jealous." He said with raised eyebrow and Kendall almost choked on her drink and he immediately handed over a glass of water concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Are you trying to kill me or what?" She glared at him.

"I guess you're fine then." He laughed.

They had finished eating and was having small talks over a drink and Kendall couldn't deny the fact that she was kinda enjoying his company.

"How the f*ck would I be jealous when I'm not even your girlfriend we're merely acquainted so stop thinking too highly of yourself." She snapped at him making him laugh even more.

"Is that w..." His words were interrupted by the ringing phone on the table. It was his phone.

A frown adorn his face as he answered the call and placed it on his ear without saying anything.

His face darkened as he listened to what the other person was saying. Whatever it was Kendall was sure it's very important.

He hung up without saying a word to the other party.

"I'm afraid our little time had been interrupted. There's something I need to take care of." He stood up and helped her up.

"It's okay I understand, I Also have a business meeting in few minutes." She picked up her bag and smiled softly.

He dropped the bills on the table and walked outta the restaurant with her.

Kendall could feel the murderous aura surrounding him and could tell at first glance that he's pissed at whatever the caller had said.

He opened the front seat door to his Knight XV acting like a gentleman.

Kendall was deeply impressed he was nothing like the media paints him to be.

Unbeknownst to them their little interaction had been recorded by someone in the shadows.


"How did it go! How did it gooo?? I want the full gists." Xi kept bugging Kendall.

She needed to know if they had sex again or they went to some fancy candle light date.

Call her childish but Xi had always believed in fairytale weddings, prince charming and Cinderella love stories.

She believes in love and also believe everyone deserves a chance to love and and beloved but unfortunately Kendall doesn't think that way.

Love was a weak feeling it would only slow you down and make you weak and vulnerable.

Kendall vowed never to be like her parents whose love became their worst nightmare.

"Ken??? Are you even listening to me? " Xi's loud voice snapped her outta her thoughts.

"Hmmm.. nothing happened between us okay? We only had a friendly lunch that's it." She nonchalantly spoke as she kept her eyes on her laptop while typing with all seriousness.

"I don't believe you guys didn't do something sneaky." Xi probed further and Kendall could only massage her temple to calm herself.

Left with no other options she finally told everything from the waitress to how he left mid way hoping Xi would go away after telling her every little detail but she was totally wrong Xi won't give up until she'd succeeded in making her do something she doesn't want to.

"It's great he only has eyes for you and would make a good candidate...." Xi's expression turned serious as she was about touching a sensitive topic.

At the mention of this Kendall stopped working and let out a sigh.

"Nope absolutely not Xi, I don't believe in love and he's probably someone with high expectations. the sex is great and all so why would I want to ruin that?"

How could she forget the ridiculous condition placed on their Will before they died.

They knew how much their daughter hated the idea of being tied to man so decided to make it compulsory she gets married before 27 to be able to claim her inheritance.

"Argh! You're such a killjoy! Do you even know if he's also thinking the same? Plus you get to face slap your uncle once you claim your parents wealth. You and I both know how badly he wanted everything to be his, are you seriously going to let him win?" Xi won't back down without a fight.

She'd seen Kendall at her Lowest point and trying times. She knew what Kendall had been through and how she fought her way up with nothing.

She only wants her to be happy like everyone Else.

"Stop overthinking my dear. Now if you'll excuse me I've got a meeting with Lady Bianca." Kendall decided to avoid the discussion by leaving the office.

Ofcourse she knew her friend only wanted the best for her but she's just not ready.

Earlier on Lady Bianca called and rained curses on her before asking to meet at a tea house downtown.

She agreed to meet her for a few selfish reasons. Did they think she was a push over? Or still that little girl they were trying to kill.

She took a taxi instead and in no time she arrived at the tea house she'd mentioned.

Kendall was indeed impressed by the cozy and ancestral vibe the tea house gave.

For once she finds lady Bianca's choice amazing.

She walked into the small tea house and looked around the place and found Bianca seating elegantly by the window overlooking the garden.

"Hello Aunt." Kendall took a seat opposite her and flashed her a wide smile.

Bianca was obviously irritated by the sight of the retch but decided to calm down and talk to her.

"You're late." She stated even though She was only 2minutes late she won't let her off.

"As you all know I'm a busy lady I don't have all the time in the world so what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Kendall had a nonchalant expression irritating her the more.

"Tsk! We both know the only job you have is hugging the big thighs of the city just to buy a few expensive clothes. But let's not get to that, I want you to talk to Lord Xavier to stop attacking your uncle's company, tell him whatever happened was a misunderstanding." She dished out a list of instructions like she was talking to a servant.

Kendall still had that bored expression throughout the conversation and Bianca wondered if she was actually faking it.

"Your uncle has done so much for you, take it as repaying his gratitude." She added and Kendall yawned.

"Is that all?" Kendall asked and Bianca could swear she saw mockery in Kendall's eyes.

"Are you even listening?" She asked in between gritted teeth and Kendall only had added salt to her injury when she chuckled.

"You said it yourself I'm but a sugar baby and he probably won't listen to me so why don't go you and beg him yourselves ,what does that have to do with me?" Kendall asked with a smile plastered on her face.

"I will not have you disrespect me you retch!" Bianca gritted her teeth in anger.

How dare this pauper disrespect her like this.

"Oops She's really angry now. Look Bianca I don't know what or who gave you the impression that you can make me do your bidding just because you think you're above everyone. The reason I accepted this meeting is because I wanted to make a few things clear between us, I know you might be thinking you had me wrapped around your little finger that's why I would send you money whenever you asked for it but let me tell you I only sent those funds as a token of appreciation but unfortunately you misunderstood my intentions." Kendall paused to look at the raging mad lady seating just across the table.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not some pushover you can order around, I'm way pretty and talented than your spoilt brat and that's one of the reasons Lord Xavier just can't have enough of Me. This would be the last time you would call me for I don't have any connections to your family so stay outta my way." Kendall's goal was simple. Provoke and destroy.

"You .." Bianca's face was red as a tomato as she tried to calm herself else she would die of anger.

" Let me remind you that your family is living in my father's mansion and spending his money. Tsk! Ain't you ashamed aunt? Imagine what would happen if I decided to get married to Xavier and take back everything? You're spending my money Bianca be ready for the battle ahead okay?" She stood and dropped a few notes on the table.

"Lies!! You little b*tch! Do you think I'm scared of Lord Xavier?" Bianca stood up immediately but unfortunately Kendall had done talking to her and walked away but Was Bianca gonna give up? Never!

Kendall ignored Bianca's scream and began walking away but before she could exit the tea house she was pulled back by someone and a resounding slap landed on her cheek.
