Chapter 10 Ten

The occupants of the restaurant all gasps in shock as the drama unfolded Infront of them.

Kendall let out a frosty laughter making Bianca shivered slightly as she intimidated by the coldness in her eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that Bianca now your family will suffer the consequences of your actions." Kendall eyes were devoid of any emotions and Bianca couldn't help the uneasy feeling building upside her as she watched her walked away proudly.

Bianca shrugged off the unwanted feeling and picked up her hand bag.

There's no way she would be scared of a peasant.

So what if it was Maxwell 's wealth? She won't be take it back for no man would ever agree to marry someone without any benefits to them.

Her racing heart calm down at the thought of that.

But that doesn't mean she wasn't gonna deal with her personally. She entered the backseat of her car and dialed a number on her phone.

"Hello Tiana." The person on the other side called her by her former name.

"I need you to take care of someone for me." She skipped the formalities and went straight to the point.

She'd him chuckled deeply before giving her the answer she wanted.

"Sure let's meet at our usual place my love." He ended the call for she could say anything.

She almost cringe at the sound of his voice.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver broke her outta her reverie.

"Brooklyn Alleyway." She said with a grim expression and the driver nodded and turned on the ignition before driving away from the tea house.


Xavier arrived at his father's company Ming industries and walked towards the VIP elevator ignoring the greetings from the employees on the ground floor.

Before the death of his father he'd wanted Xavier to take over his company and bring it to greater heights but Xavier had insisted on creating his own empire from his blood, sweat and tears.

He wasn't really interesting in his family's wealth and wanted to make his own name in the business world.

"What do you want Chairman Ming?" Xavier walked into his mother's office with an expressionless face.

His hands were tucked in his pocket as he stood Infront of her proudly.

Alexa has gotten use to being addressed formally by her son and couldn't deny the fact that it breaks her heart every single time.

"Sit down Nick." She pointed at the chair beside her desk without staring at him.

Xavier sat down impatiently waiting for her to say whatever it is that she wanted to say.

Chairman Ming stopped working and took off her glasses to look at her once loving son properly.

Xavier used to be a mummy's boy he loved both parents alot and was always happy and caring.

Everything changed after the death of her husband, Xavier became cold towards her.

"This better be important."

"Oh yes it is..." She stood up and walked towards her Expresso machine to make coffee for herself for she knew he wasn't gonna take anything from her.

"I've contacted the patriarch of the Mu family for a marriage alliance between both family." She paused to examine his face.

"Great you wanna marry him?" Xavier asked casually making her red with anger.

He sure knew how to get her really mad.

"You're gonna marry his daughter and I've also set up a date for you both." She added walking back to her chair with a double Expresso coffee in her hand.

"You don't get to decide for me Chairman Ming. You can go back to the Mu family and tell them there be no marriage between me and anyone and if they insist on following your instructions I'll not hesitate to bring down their companies." He casually stated as he stared deep into her eyes.

Alexa instinctively shivered at the murderous glint in her son's eyes.

"Do you think I'll let you do that huh? You're f*cking 32 you ain't getting any younger so you'd better agree to this alliance between the Mu family and ours for it will also be beneficial to you." She added when she noticed he was quietly staring at her.

Xavier snorted and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"I'll only say this once, stop meddling in my affairs and tell the MU family to back off else face the consequences of their stupidity." Xavier ofcourse was an entity that shouldn't be reckoned with.

He could bring down the whole of the Mu family in just 24hours without breaking a sweat.

Chairman Ming couldn't understand how her once sweet child had become cold blooded to point of talking about killing someone so casually.

"Is it because of that Retch you've been playing with?" She took out a few pictures of Xavier and Kendall together and dumped it in front of him hoping to get a reaction from him but to her surprise he burst into ripples of laughter.

"Well mother that Retch is nothing like you and your Mu family joke of a daughter. You all don't deserve to breath the same air as her." He stood up for he'd had enough of the pointless conversation.

"Wait! You like her don't you? Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I won't let whatever that you planning to do happen. I wonder how you would feel once I end her life ?" She had no choice but to resort to threats.

How could he disrespect her like this?

"Touch one strand of her hair and watch me take everything you hold dear away, you should know I'm not bluffing Chairman Ming.... Forcefully acquiring the Ming Industries shouldn't be much of a problem to me so think about it properly before doing something that would lead to your downfall."


He walked towards the door and stopped mid way.

"Ssh mother you don't have to say anything okay? Good bye Mother." He blew over a kiss filled with mockery and hatred.

"Don't you dare Walk out on me Nick!" She gritted her teeth in anger but he ignored her and walked away leaving the woman burning with raw anger.

Alexa held onto her chair for support as her son's words kept ringing in her head.

Her hands shook In anger as she tried to calm herself.

She picked up the coffee and threw it across the office and screamed.

"It's time we implement plan B. He's gonna be difficult to handle." She turned to the beautiful lady walking outta the little room in her office. Chairman Ming had actually planned on introducing her to Lord Xavier but unfortunately they weren't given a chance.

"But he said...." Mu Quin spoke like a delicate flower igniting the protective side in chairman Ming.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll handle him." A strange glint passed through her eyes too quick for MuQin to notice.

Xavier got into his car and drove like a mad man back to his company and called his secretary to his office.

" I want all the dirt we have Ming Industries on standby, release them to the media when you receive my signal." He took off his blazer unhurriedly and sat down.

His secretary began typing on his tablet as he exit the president's office.

It's high time he fulfill his late father's wish and take Ming industries away from his mother.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Escort Kelly to my villa now." He dishes out a few instructions before dropping his phone and let out a sigh.

He doesn't want his little sister to be caught in the middle of the battle between him and his mother for she's just a innocent little girl.

"F*ck!" He cursed irritably and walked towards the floor to ceiling window overlooking the city.

'i'm sorry father but I have to do this.' he mumbled under his breath.

He was done tolerating her bullshit.


He spent his entire day working his ass off that he totally forgot to give Kendall a call.

He left the company late in the night and decided to stay at his hotel. He didn't wanna drive so late at night so he parked

his car at the five star hotel closer to his company and walked towards the bar for a quick drink before heading to the penthouse he occupied.

"a bottle of Tequila please." He looked at the unfamiliar bartender who smiled and brought his order immediately.

Xavier knew all the bartender at the bar but choose not think of it.

"Thank you." He flashed him a smile and poured himself a glass of tequila as he tried to relax and forget about everything around him.

"You're new ain't you?" He found himself talking to the bartender. He looked at him in surprise before pulling himself together.

"Yes sir. Do you need anything else?"he asked respectfully but Xavier shook his head and stood up without taking the rest of his drink . He was feeling little dizzy and weird,he needed to leave before something happens.

Without saying a word he walked towards the elevator leading to the penthouse.

He growled angrily as he instantly realized he'd been drugged.

He dugged his fingers into his palm as he tried to keep himself sane before he got to the penthouse.

Finally the elevator arrived at the floor his penthouse was and he hurried into the penthouse only to find another surprise waiting for him.

"Welcome Lord Xavier."