Chapter 44

Chapter 44

“Monica,” Andrew said and then he stood up. He looked surprised to see the woman. After greeting her, he looked at her.

“Please meet my girlfriend, Nicole. Babe, this is Monica, she’s my business partner,” Andrew said as he introduced them to each other.

She didn’t know why but suddenly, she felt proud when Andrew introduced her as his girlfriend.

Nicole stood up and then she greeted the woman.

“It’s nice to meet you, Monica,” she said and then she stretched her hand for a handshake.

“The pleasure is mine,” the woman replied and then she accepted her hand.

She didn’t know why she felt something towards the woman as soon as their hands shook. It was an unexplainable feeling that she couldn’t understand. Her heart rate doubled. It was an unfamiliar feeling that she wanted to ignore but she couldn’t.

After that she turned to Andrew as if she was not interested at all about her. Well, she really looked like it. She started a conversation instead with Andrew.