Chapter 45

Chapter 45

It didn’t take a while and they finally finished their breakfast. Andrew then invited her to go inside the hotel and go to the boutique where she could buy her stuff. The main reason why they were at the place.

“Let us see what we can get here for us,” he said as he pushed the door open and then they got inside together.

As soon as they went in, they were welcomed by the warm greetings of the saleslady of the boutique.

She was smiling widely at both of them.

“Hi, can you please assist my girlfriend to look for swimwear?” He said to the sales lady after that he turned to Nicole. “Babe, choose whatever you want. I am just there. I will look for swimming trunks,” he said whispering and then he turned to the other side of the shop.

He purposely left Nicole so she wouldn’t be shy when he was around. She might be unable to choose what she really wanted.