Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Andrew couldn’t help but smile while he was shaking his head as he looked at the two women.

He was already used to this kind of women’s behavior. They tend to be possessive of him even if their connection had already ended. But he didn’t give a shit because they were just nothing for him but someone that could satisfy his needs in bed.

It was no longer new to him to meet a woman who would introduce herself as his girlfriend even if they never were and he just let them do what they want because it didn’t matter to him anymore.

For women, he was like a trophy. If they hook up with him, then it’s a victory for them. He couldn’t understand why women were like that. They would sleep with him and then be proud. Women would look at how big his wallet was. They would look at how good he was in bed. That was all they were after. They would be after what he could give to them and what kind of places he could take them.