Chapter 72

Chapter 72

As Nicole requested to Andrew, the man personally went to meet Mr. Fuentabella at their house since Monica’s father was still in the healing process because of the recent surgery that he had.

Andrew went to visit him at their house. Nicole was happy because Andrew was ready to do everything that she asked him. He never failed to act on all her requests.

“Andrew, I am surprised when I heard from my butler that you are here,” Mr. Fuentabella said while he was coming inside of the living room.

Andrew smiled at him as he approached his direction.

“How are you, Uncle?” He said and then he stood up to greet the old man.

The old man smiled back at him. He could say that the man had been able to gain weight after the surgery that he had. It looked like he was able to slowly recover from that incident.

“Well, I am doing good so far. I just needed a few days to take a rest. How about you? How is your business doing?” The old man asked.