Chapter 73

Chapter 73

“Long time no see,” Andrew said when he finally recovered from shock. He was happy to see his ex-girlfriend. He didn’t know but he was fine. “When did you come back?” He asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, I just got back yesterday. I have seen your proposal to your fiancée on social media. You are such a romantic guy, Andrew,” Belinda said which made him smile.

He felt like there was no disappointment or regret in her tone. It looked like the woman had already accepted the fact that they were not meant for each other. He could sense the happiness that the woman had for him. And, he couldn’t deny that he was glad because the woman had already accepted that and he tried to search his heart. He was totally fine. There was no pain anymore inside his heart because of what happened to him and Belinda in the past. He felt like he had already moved on from that incident of his life.