Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Andrew was holding Nicole’s phone which kept on ringing. He looked at Nicole and he could see that she was not looking okay.

She looked pale. He didn’t know why he could see fear in her face.

“Babe, are you alright?” He couldn’t help but ask.

“I am sorry,” Nicole apologized and then she quickly took the phone from him. Andrew could feel that something was going on with the woman. “I--- I don’t know why I am getting startled probably because I have been drinking so much coffee,” she said.

He nodded his head though he was not convinced with what the woman said.

“Yes, that could be,” he just answered and then he noticed that the phone didn’t stop ringing. “Answer the call,” he added.

They both looked at the caller. He saw that there was hesitation on Nicole’s face which he couldn’t understand.

The number was not registered on her mobile phone. He saw when Nicole looked at him. He couldn’t explain the expression that she had at the moment.