Chapter 135

Monica was looking at her as if she wanted to say something but before she could even speak, Sandro spoke.

She could see the worry in his face which she could totally understand.

“Are you sure? Is it okay with you? You know, I can change our plan. I can wait for him and we will just go outside,” Sandro asked her after he talked to Andrew on the phone.

Nicole shook her head. She was happy that the couple considered her feelings but she should be fine meeting Andrew.

“You don’t have to worry. It’s fine. I am okay,” she said, smiling at them.

“Are you sure?” Monica asked as if she was not convince that she would be fine with Andrew around them.

She felt like she shouldn't be affected with his presence since they were also both working in one company.

She nodded her head in response after that she took the glass and drank it. She didn't know if there should be an issue if she was breathing the same air that the man would be breathing.