Chapter 136

“Nicole,” Andrew heard Monica called Nicole’s name for permission. He saw when Nicole nodded her head.

“Alright, let’s go,” Nicole said to him. “Guys, I am so sorry, but I promise to have another catch up with you soon. I am looking forward for the weekend so you guys can meet him. Please tell Uncle that I am already leaving,” Nicole explained and then she gave the couple a hug.

She didn’t want to leave them, but her son needed her. She couldn't afford if something happened to Andrei. He was the strength that she had in life. He was the reason why she continued fighting in her life. She couldn't imagine what could happen to her only son.

Andrew just looked at them after they big goodbye he signed his finger to Sandro to give him a call.

“Drive safely, bro,” he said. As he was looking at Nicole. It was as if Sandro was worried about her and Andrew.