Chapter 3 The Past, Present & Future

"The past is behind, learn from it.The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it."

-Thomas S. Monson-


“Twenty one years ago, when you were only three years old. You and your parents went to an amusement park. I was not sure what they were thinking, bringing such a young child to such a crowded place. But they did and the three of you had fun and took pictures.” He placed another picture on the table. It showed her toddler self with her parents at the amusement park.

“All was fine, until it wasn’t. During one moment, you seemed to get distracted and let go of your mother’s hand. Jennifer quickly realized it and tried to find you. My son Isaac reported it to the park’s security as well. But until the sky turned dark, they still couldn’t find you. The amusement park was eventually closed. Police were informed and they had to head home first, without you. The fun atmosphere quickly turned gloomy. You were missing.”

Julia was so confused, she didn’t seem to remember anything from that day. If it truly happened. How come she had no recollection of it? Was it because she was too young to remember? Or did it simply disappear as time passed by?

The next morning, we received an information, but not by the police. It was by a man who claimed he had kidnapped you and if your parents ever wanted to see you again, they had to come alone with two hundred thousand dollars at hand.” His face turned a little bit dark as he recalled this part of the story.

“I’ve warned them, told them not to go because it could be a scammer. He didn’t provide any proof that he had you. Yet your parents were desperate to go and find you. So they left. I called the police to follow them from behind. Your father was the one driving and he might have lost a lot of his focus that day, because halfway through the drive, your parents’ car hit a moving truck and the impact threw them to the side of the street. Your parents died on spot.”

A drop of tear fell from the man’s eyes as he recalled that moment.

“I lost my son and daughter in law forever that day. And you, my grand-daughter. You were also nowhere to be found.” He looked genuinely devastated as he recalled those dark times. Julia felt awful. She didn’t know all of those things happened because of her. It made her feel somewhat guilty. She thought, only if she didn’t let go of her mother’s hand at the amusement park that day, perhaps both of them would still be alive right now.

“After burying my son and daughter in law. I spent the rest of my life working to find you. It was so difficult because we had no idea who had kidnapped you and were you were at. I’ve gone to the location they asked with the police but they were gone by then. I think I’ve searched across the States, trying to find you, but it wasn’t easy.”

“I considered giving up after over twenty years. Then, a few months ago, I received a call from the senior HR of one of our company who knew this family well. He was looking at the employees archive and saw you and the mark on your neck. We quickly did a thorough background check on you. I found out everything about you this way. The orphanage in Phoenix, your adoptive parents. The academic life, your hobbies, even about your recent engagement which I believe has been ended since you moved back with your adoptive parents.”

Julia was genuinely shocked to find out about this.

Her private information had been revealed to what practically was a complete stranger and they had been doing background check on her without her permission. She felt a bit conflicted, but at the same time, it had helped her to meet this man, so did she have any rights to complain?

“How do you know all of these, especially the latter part?” She asked.

“You may not notice this, but we have been monitoring you closely these past few months. I was counting on the perfect time to finally meet you and explain all of these. That time is now. I’m glad I can finally see you in person and have a conversation like this with you, my grand-daughter.” His eyes were gentle as he spoke the last part.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two of them. She was not sure how to take in all of these information. She has been too overwhelmed with her breakup and moving she was not sure she was on the right mindset to process this new information.

“Why are you telling me all of these? What’s your intention?” She wondered.

“I am glad you asked. Actually, I have an offer for you. One that will change the course of your life for the better.”

“What kind of offer?” She asked. Her heart was beating so fast.

“I want you to come with me and stay at my house. I will offer you a new set of work and train you to become the heiress of our family’s fortune. You will learn various things you would not learn otherwise and meet people who will challenge and elevate you to become a better person. I know how much you love growth, so please take this offer with great consideration.” Upon hearing the offer, Julia felt a little conflicted.

For her, it sounded like a new opportunity for a fresh start, which she desperately needed at the moment.

At the same time, she had only met her parents after so long and spent time with them. She wasn’t sure if moving away again so soon would be a good thing.

“I know you must feel troubled right now. Don’t worry, I understand. Here is my business card. You can call me when you are ready. Whatever decision you make, I will understand.” He didn’t try to be pushy or convinced her at all. He allowed her to make her own decision and she appreciated it.

“Now, since we are already here, why don’t we have a meal? What do you want to order? It’s all on me.” James said. He was right. She was hungry, so she couldn’t think straight. She looked at the menu and saw an array of foreign sounding names on there. She tried to find a meal that sounded familiar to her and informed James.

“I’d like a Corden Bleu, please.” He nodded and made the order for her. They ended up having lunch together. She was mostly quiet, because she was unsure of how to act and what to say toward this man. He did not say much either afterward. They just had a peaceful meal and once it was over, he turned his attention back to her.

“I will drive you back home. In case you decide to accept my offer later to live with me. I will talk to your parents personally to make them understand. I simply hope you will make the right decision.” He stated.

The two of them went to his car, which looked expensive to her. She didn’t know much about car in general but she knew his had to cost a lot. She began to wonder if her grandfather was a wealthy man. He mentioned something about making her an heiress. However, Julia had no idea what kind of wealthy he truly was. She would figure out about it later.

Once she was back home, she thanked the man and he welcomed her. Before he left, he stared at her a few second with a warm gaze and smiled. Then, he closed his car’s window and they drove away. Julia sighed before walking into the house.

“Hey, sweetie, where have you been? Are you hungry? I’m going to prepare dinner. It should be ready in an hour.” Her mom, Linda, shouted from the kitchen.

“No, mom. I’m not hungry. I just ate. I will just stay in my room for the evening.” She shouted back before running to her room. As soon as she was inside, she closed the door and locked it. The entire time, her mind was running on various different directions. She was not sure how to feel because too many feelings were rushing through her heart.

“I need to make decisions and I need to make them quick.” She told herself.

The entire night, she remained awake, thinking about what just happened that day. By morning, she had made her decisions. She picked up her phone and grabbed the business card the old man left her. She dialed his number and a few seconds later, she heard his voice from the other side.

“Julia, it’s wonderful to hear from you again so soon. Have you made your decisions?” He asked, wasting no time. Julia took a deep breath before speaking.

“Yes, I have. I-“