Chapter 4 The Decision

"You and only you are responsible for your life, choices and decisions."

-Robert T. Kiyosaki-


“The inflation rate is insane. I think I may need to raise the price for now otherwise we may suffer some losses back there.” Peter grumbled about the inflation news during breakfast and Linda just shook her head lightly in response.

“Good morning, mom, dad.” Julia walked down the stairs and greeted her parents. They greeted her back and asked her to join them for breakfast.

“You know, there is something I have to tell both of you. It’s serious.” She started the conversation which gained their full attention. It was rare to see her like that, they were starting to get a little worried.

“What is it, sweetie?” Linda asked as she placed the plate on the table.

“I met someone yesterday. He will come and visit us today and explain everything to you. I hope you two are willing to listen.” The couple didn’t understand exactly what she meant by that. They exchanged confused gaze with each other.

“Well, why can’t you tell us about it yourself? You didn’t commit a crime or anything like that, did you?” Peter asked.

“Oh, god, no! Of course not. Dad, I can’t believe you think that way.” She was a little annoyed by that accusation but decided to brush it aside. Just as she was about to speak again, the doorbell rang and Julia knew exactly who it was. She opened the door and saw James standing there. Still wearing his suit and hat with a cane in his hand.

“You’re here. You’re a little early.” She spoke.

“Who is it, Julie?” Linda’s voice was heard from the dining room.

“May I come in?” James asked and Julie turned her body around so he could come in.

“We’re about to have breakfast, you should join us.” She offered as she led him to the dining room. Linda and Peter saw the man and got speechless. James smiled at them and Julie quickly got in between them to introduce them to each other.

“Mom, dad. This is the guest I mentioned from earlier. His name is James Howler and apparently. He’s my real grandfather.” She was sure James already knew who her parents were so she didn’t feel a need to introduce them to him.

“What, what do you mean by that?” Peter asked, feeling a little skeptical.

“Let me explain everything. If you don’t mind, may I sit down and join all of you for breakfast while we have some friendly discussion?” He asked politely and it was difficult for the couple to turn away such a well-mannered man even though they were feeling a little conflicted. In the end, all of them sat down and in his charismatic manner, he started explaining everything in the simplest way possible. By the end of it, both of her parents ended up speechless.

“My daughter is an adult now, I think it all goes back to her decision. Whatever she decides, as her parents, we will always support her.” They admitted.

“Well, I have made my decision and I think I will move to his place. I’m going to start a new job too in there so I think the situation is perfect.” She told both parties.

“Then it’s decided. I will give you several days to pack your belongings, Julia. Even though you don’t need to pack too much because everything you could possibly need, would be provided for by me.” He advised.

“Okay, I will let you know when I am ready.” She told him. James turned to Linda and Peter, gave a polite smile and a nod.

“Thank you for the wonderful breakfast. I will be taking my leave now and I will pick her up in a few days. Please, make the most out of these few days.” With that, James left and Julia was left with her parents, who stared at her in disbelief.

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier that you were meeting with your grandfather last Saturday? We could have prepared ourselves better. Look at me, I was dressed with a stained apron when we first met and he’s wearing a suit.” Linda mumbled on the last part but she had a reason to. Julia apologized and told them she wasn’t sure how to tell them about it.

“Will you guys miss me?” She asked them. Both of her parents looked at her with soft, warm gaze. Linda reached out her hand to caress Julia’s hair.

“Of course we will. No matter where you are in this world, you will always be our daughter and nothing could ever change that.” Julia was so moved by their words she stood up and gave both of them a hug.

“Thank you, I will never forget both of you.”

Julia spent the next few days packing her belongings again. This time, she only thought of carrying the most important things. She did not want to carry too much stuff during her move this time since she would be moving from Phoenix to Houston. It was going to be quite a change for her but she was ready for it.

The same car from before picked her up and she gave her parents one last hug before saying goodbye to them. Afterward, they headed straight to the airport for a nonstop business class flight to Houston. Once they were on board, James decided to start a conversation with her.

“So, you’ve made the leap. How are you feeling right now? What are you thinking? Are you excited or upset?” He asked.

“I’m not sure. I guess it’s all too much for me.” She replied back.

“Right now you are still slightly indecisive, my dear. One day, the word ‘I don’t know’ and ‘I’m not sure’ would be less heard from you. I am sure of it.” Julia had no idea why he would say something like that. Instead of elaborating, he simply smiled and moved on to another topic of a conversation for a few minutes before he finally went silent, not wanting to bother other people on the same flight as them.

“I don’t really like traveling commercial, you see. One day when you are ready we will ride with my private jet. It’s more convenient.” He spoke.

“You have a private jet?” She gasped in disbelief.

“Young lady, when you are my age, you will have one of your own.” He smiled.

Not long after, they finally arrived at Houston. They went out from the airport and another expensive looking car arrived to pick them up. In her mind, she wondered how many cars did her grandfather own? She didn’t know that the cane he was holding alone, the one with a lion symbol on the top cost two hundred dollars.

They drove around half an hour from the airport before they entered a gated neighborhood with big houses surrounding it.

“First lesson you need to know, my dear. Surround yourself with people at your caliber or higher. They will come in useful in the future.” Julia was speechless. She had seen plenty of skyscrapers in Phoenix but the houses in the neighborhood was on an entirely different level. Eventually, they stopped in front of a mansion.

This particular mansion was bigger than the ones surrounding it and the land alone must have cost a fortune.

It was painted a calming beige color in brick pattern with royal navy blue roof and brown accents. There were at least three cars on sight and she didn’t know if it was everything he owned. The mansion was so gated that two security guard was placed on the front gate.

As soon as they saw him, they opened the gate and a gentleman opened the door for her. She was completely stunned. The house looked a lot bigger when she actually looked at it from up close.

“Welcome to your new home.” She walked inside the house and was bewitched by the beautiful interior. Everything was so cohesive. The house itself was inspired by the neo classic but they used warm palettes instead. She has never seen a house so big before in her life and she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it.

“Come, I will show you your room.” He led her to her room which looked straight out of a fairy tale. The bed itself was placed in the middle with a half circle mini stairs toward it. Meaning the bed was placed higher than the rest of the room. It had its own private bathroom which was the size of her old room, with square bathtub and a shower.

“This is all for me?” She asked.

“Yes, it is all for you. Also, you will be having an appointment with the hairdresser, tailor and a full body spa treatment tomorrow. I suggest you have a good rest tonight since it’s going to be a busy day.” He stated before smiling at her one more time.

“I hope you will enjoy your new life, my dear.”