Chapter 16 The Woman With A Gun

“I would like to see every woman knows how to handle firearms as naturally as they know how to handle babies."

-Annie Oakley-


"Tell me, dear, do you have any plan for the day?” It was weekend and James was having a little sit down with Julia. She lifted her face up from her phone and turned to him before shaking her head.

“No, my schedule is pretty much empty today, why?” She asked.

“Oh, that’s wonderful. There is somewhere I want to take you to. I will give you an hour to get ready. Make sure you’re wearing something sturdy but comfortable, you will need it. Oh, also I suggest you drop the dresses for today and wear the pants. Things may get a little rough when we’re there.” He stated with a smile. Julia was a little confused, she didn’t know what James was planning but ended up doing as he suggested.

One hour later, they were on the car about to head somewhere she didn’t even know.

“Where exactly are we going?” She asked.