Chapter 28 The Ice Cream

"One of the very nicest thing about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."

-Luciano Pavarotti-


“How is the food?” He asked her as soon as she tasted it. The rich flavor of the chicken, mixed with the spiciness of the sauce. It was perfection.

“I love it. How do you know I like spicy food?” She asked him.

“I don’t, just a guess. I’m not too much into spicy food, it makes my stomach hurts sometimes but since I thought you might like it, I thought I would bring you here.” He stated.

“You don’t really have to force yourself, you know.” She said as she took another bite of the chicken. It was really delicious. They didn’t go to a fine dining restaurant by any means, but the place was clean and the food was really good. The portion was slightly big as well so she knew she would be satisfied with it.