Chapter 29 The Tale of The Past

"Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence."

-Pope John Paul II-


“Now, I want you to tell me the full report of what happened yesterday.” James told the man he sent to watch over Julia that day and the man reported everything without missing any details.

“She went on the match, got seated on the VIP. That boy, he won the match, The two of them met up after and they hugged. Then they went to a restaurant, had a conversation there before he took her on a walk on a shopping street. I saw her crying briefly but the boy wiped away her tears and bought her some ice cream afterward.” He reported.

James was not sure how to feel about the news.

On one hand, he was glad that his grand-daughter seemed to be having a good time with Zain. She didn’t make any complaint like she did with Tristan. He saw her briefly yesterday and after her little ‘date’ with Zain, she seemed happy and glowing.